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But muh free speech!
1 hour later…
Did we do the Scammed Harvard professor thing? Because my god 🤦🏼‍♂️
1 hour later…
Governor of Puerto Rico expected to resign and be replaced by someone who Twitter claims is also corrupt
@TimStone is that Twitter Trump?
either a) he's just going to spout random predictable nonsense like "LIES from the leader of the 300 Angry Democrats" or b) he's going to be tweeting at the same time about stuff from it that only you'd only know if you was watching it
they've told Mueller to keep to the report which is 2 parts, Russian Meddling in the election which Trump will repeat the "No Collusion" crap he made up and Trumps' obstruction of Justice which if (b) then you'll see his tweets change between "No Collusion" and "Can't obstruct justice if not guilt of collusion"
6 hours later…
> Nutritionists say the data doesn't exist yet to show that a processed plant-based burger trumps meat
> The Beyond Burger contains close to 20 ingredients, including refined coconut oil, pea protein isolate and flavouring. Schwartz says that qualifies it as a highly produced food — something that Canadians are advised to limit in their diet, along with processed and fatty meat.
> Beyond Meat CEO Ethan Brown argues such comparisons are too simplistic because they don't factor in the reported health risks — such as cancer and heart disease — that are associated with eating red and processed meat.
> He added that the Beyond burger also has the benefit of containing no cholesterol or animal-derived saturated fat, and is lower in saturated fat than burgers made from fattier cuts of beef.
Ultimately I think the key take away here is that you shouldn't just believe a company when they makes claims about how healthy their stuff is
> Dr. Frank Hu, senior author of the Harvard study, says the research so far demonstrates that eating too much red meat, especially processed meat, can be harmful to one's health.
> But he said we don't yet have research showing that a processed plant-based burger is a healthier food choice.
> "Based on the data we have, we can make a prediction they're better," said Hu. "But this type of study hasn't been done yet to directly compare the health effects of the two types of burgers."
> As for customer Allen, he's decided that unless new research tells him otherwise, he'll continue to presume that Beyond's plant-based burger is healthier. However, he doesn't plan to purchase it again at a fast-food restaurant. That's because he discovered that once the bun and sauces are added, A&W's version has 1,110 milligrams of sodium.
I'm always shocked when people are surprised at just how bad something they get from a fast food joint is for them. Sauces in particular are a thing people often seem to just forget.
@Wipqozn That's a decent amount of salt
But I also generally don't add salt to food I cook, most of my salt intake comes from pre-packaged meals or restaurants.
@MBraedley yeah, it's about a gram of salt
which is A LOT
Recommended daily intake is 1500 mg
@Wipqozn Didn't someone mention A&W's Beyond Meat here before?
Ah, not here but in the Bridge.
@ToxicFrog So apparently a reason why you might like A&W Beyond Meat breakfast sandwich is that it has comical amounts of salt.
@Wipqozn it would be interesting to compare this to the amount of salt in regular burgers
Well, the average Big Mac has 1000mg of sodium.
List of loads of common foods with how much sodium they contain
It's Mueller Time™️
reut.rs/2OdukcJ Facebook hit with $5 billion fine
@Nzall I look forward to absolutely none of this making s difference, because no one who can stop him will.
@Wipqozn About the only thing that will is Trump losing his second term.
Hopefully the democrats realize the problems with the current system and work on some election reform.
@Wipqozn They taste pretty good but they have so much weird mysterious stuff in them and processing to make it, even without the salt thing
@Frank Problem is for election reform you need a majority in the Senate, and I think maybe even a constitutional amendment if you want to get serious about it, which needs you to have about 75% of the states under democrat control
@Nzall Getting Trump out of office would likely break off many of the GOP that are terrified of him and losing power.
It's like the bully in the playground; you don't want to be singled out, so you keep stay on the bully's good side.
@Frank Yeah, that's the problem. They all love their power more than their dignity
@SaintWacko No arguments from me on that one.
One of these old Republicans got close to tears when screaming at Mueller about Trump “pursuing justice”...
But they have power, and they're willing to do whatever it takes to hold onto it.
If Trump loses office, though, it's going to take a lot of the racist and fearmongering stance with it.
Not saying the GOP is all that reasonable, but they've dug in and doubled down since Trump.
@Nzall do we have a timestamp of that No and a Trump Tweet seconds after?
@Stormblessed Wait, they said Trump is pursuing justice?
@Frank I regret to inform you the GOP has been pretty racist and relied on fearmongering for a while now, and that those characteristics are extremely unlikely to go away regardless of who is president in 2021.
Trump reflects a voter base. There is no mythical fiscal conservative base.
@puzzlepiece87 Sure, I'm not questioning that.
I'm just saying that the figurehead has allowed it all to come out without fear of repercussion.
Drop the figurehead, and maybe that'll result in them trying to at least hide it some more.
@Frank Or alternatively, the next Republican candidate will attempt to recapture that
@Nzall Also a possibility. And an unfortunate realization that there's so many that would support such hatred.
@Frank I'm not even convinced that's true.
His main base is string very pro trump.
@Wipqozn Which is really rather sad.
I have no doubt that he'll lose the popular vote by a very wide margin, but the popular vote doesn't matter at all.
So long as the states that voted for him last time still do, doesn't matter how many people from other states come out.
The cynical side of me says Trump would rather force a civil war than admit he could lose.
I mean of course he would
but I can't believe that would actually happen
We didn't believe that Trump would win, either.
We thought using hatred was a sure way to lose.
@Frank Correction: we thought using what we INTERPRET as hatred to be a sure way to lose. For Trump's base, it's not hatred, it's what needs to be said
The Trump base doesn't view racism, sexism, bigotry and islamophobia as hatred, they view it as "the way the world is meant to be"
@Nzall Playing semantics doesn't change that it's still hatred. It does highlight the fact that there has been a disaffected minority of people who've been frustrated that their voices have not been heard.
well maybe the prediction will be Trump winning and because thanks to 2016 reality flips it'll mean Trump's victory would too flip and he actually looses
Just like how they view the liberal goals of protecting the environment and multiculturalism as "betrayals of American values"
And based on their views...well, it's easy to see why those voices have not been heard.
@Frank yes, I agree it is hatred, but it is hatred from our perspective. Not everyone views the world the same as we do. There are legitimately people who think other cultures need to be eradicated
@Nzall And you know what we call that? Hate speech.
@Frank Yes, we call it hate speech. Those who use it call it truthspeak
but I need to leave now, got a train to catch
@Stormblessed When you can't argue against it, twist it.
That classic long-lived special counsel probe duration, two years.
@Stormblessed I... what?
1 hour later…
It's interesting the Mueller is refusing to answer questions about impeachment.
and by interesting I mean it's clear he doesn't want to be the one everyone points a finger at
Dems need to grow a bloody spine and just do it. Stop looking for mueller to give you a "free pass".
Everything that comes out of the majority of the senior Republicans mouths in Congress is BS meant to influence gullible people. It doesn't actually make sense and it doesn't have to. All it has to do is get us, reasonable people, to shake our heads, murmur about it to the others of us, and forget it. His base, however, won't forget it. We need to go out and tell people, family, friends, colleagues, etc. and make sure they get that it's BS too.
@Nik3141 Good luck. Arguing with family about it leads to very heated conversations.
I don't know if an impeachment attempt is the best idea, which honestly shows I've been corrupted by the system and made a cynic. If Democrats try to impeach, and succeed, they'll alienate a great number of people, which could cause a problem in 2020. Of course Trump should be impeached, as he's clearly done really sketchy stuff, he lies to the public, and is a threat to National Security (by causing an economic war and possibly a military war), but waiting to overthrow him in 2020 might be
@Frank Again I'm grateful for my parents, who are politically left
@Wipqozn Mine are more conservative, which is understandable; we grew up very traditional.
And I'm pretty sure I've got some conservative mindsets as well due to that.
I just don't know how to talk to family about this; we're not in the US, but we've got our own elections coming up.
@Frank Yeah but arguing is the worst way to convince someone of something. Political ideas become cemented into your identity as a person, and changing that is really difficult. Having someone else "force" you to change that is painful and like ripping out an organ. It does not work. The way to do it is simply talk about things, consistently and regularly (which is time consuming) and just talk about what is happening without any ulterior motive...
If it goes well, over time you can get them to come around to your way of thinking.
Confronting vs talking something through
Is Mr.Turner drunk?
I can tell he's GOP because none of what he's saying makes any fucking sense
@Nik3141 You'll get an argument regardless, though.
And you don't need them to have your opinions or use your viewpoints and evidence, you need to get them to think like you about things, and use your reasoning to come to conclusions about things.
but maybe not
there's always hope
Trying to talk to those who disagree (and when it comes to Trump, there is no neutral) will be seen as an attack.
that is possible, although that's kindof your job as an activist. It's like a teacher - your goal is not to lecture students and get them to memorize formulas - it's to get them to arrive to their own conclusions, and if they arrive at one that is wrong just ask them a question, not in a sarcastic, snarky, or puffed up way, but as genuine of a question as you can ask, about a possible flaw in their reasoning.
I'm not an activist.
I've tried arguing about Trump with family and friends. The logic train just sort of...breaks down.
You can point out that he's got insanely flawed logic, but the point just sails right past anyone who supports him.
but as a citizen who is concerned about the future of whatever state you live in, you are. there are three types of citizens in a democracy. those that don't partake in politics at all, no voting or conversing about politics at all, those that vote but don't share their views and just hope that things turn out ok, and those who vote and go out trying to spread their ideas for how to make their society better
Some people who experienced the weird symptoms at the Cuban embassy apparently have a current brain structure that might indicate damage over a control group but it could also be nothing given the small sample and/or have not attributed to their symptoms in any way. What is notable is that we still don't have a definitive answer to wtf was going on there, even years later 🤷‍♂️
I mean probably at this point lol
Why not
but the idea isn't to talk about his logic. it's to talk about their logic, in order for them to reject his logic on their own: let's say that a person says that immigrants are bad for a country. Standard right-wing position. You might ask them questions such as "well, why are they bad for our country: have you had any negative experiences with immigrants?" or "immigrants from which country?" and later: "what about immigrants from country A is different from country B?"...
Saying outright that immigrants are not bad is not a good approach. Asking them why they think they are bad and slowly very very slowly, as in muliple days or weeks, challenging their assumptions, or maybe just emailing them a spreadsheet you found "which you thought was very interesting" with population data...
(as the birthrate falls we in the US actually don't have a sustainable birthrate in some places right now) is the way to go. As long as they think you are in agreement with them, and just asking friendly questions, you've got them.
although maybe I'm too much of an idealist
and the comments on the article mostly make no sense
@Stormblessed yeah that's what I was referring to early when I asked if he was drunk.
I'd just found the video, in case anyone was wondering what exactly you were talking about
@Nik3141 And what are we? Humans, not microbes! We don't want to be microbes! Therefore, socialism is bad!
Kam McLeod, 19, and Bryer Schmegelsky, 18, are considered armed and dangerous. They are wanted by police in connection with the shooting deaths of a tourist couple in northern British Columbia last week, as well as in the suspicious death of another man whose body was found days later near Dease Lake, B.C. cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/…
They think they're around Manitoba now, which is quite the ways away
> "If there's any hope that Bryer and Kam are alive, it's because they … would have gone into the woods and they know how to hide, because they've been doing this for the last 2½ years," he said, adding, "They're non-violent, they're good people. Never got in trouble or anything."
Buddy your kid was going into the woods to play war wtaf
That is an inherently violent activity
"Never got in trouble or anything" - the lies we tell ourselves the press
Right? Like sure they never went on a murder spree before, because, you know, this would have happened
@TimStone Seriously
Like I get people can be blind to they'd children, but come on
lmao, noted demanding place to work Amazon would like you to know It's Not That Bad by way of this article in checks note the paper of phrenological record, Quillette
Just run it in WaPo jfc
The tl;dr here that Amazon is for some reason highlighting is that the serfs should be content Lord Bezos does not replace them with robots, ignoring that he will almost certainly keep working on that until he can regardless
I saw John Oliver's thing...is this their response? Like really?
Also, wtf is Quillette? It doesn't look very reputable at all.
@Wipqozn not just in Manitoba, Gillam, Manitoba. That's about as far north as you can go by road.
@Nik3141 I will answer that with another tweet
well then...
now I get the 'paper of phrenological record' thing
If you were impacted by the Equifax breach and have preexisting credit monitoring and will have it for the next six months you can file a claim for $125 from their settlement
@TimStone The claim site has a tool to determine if you were impacted
@TimStone Hey remember that time when Equifax made a site to tell you if you were impacted in the breach and it had you put in sensitive personal information, then transmitted it in plaintext while returning a random yes/no result? Fun times.
The site is ostensibly https now but what more could go wrong at this point tbh :P
lmao, to fully appreciate this you have to get to the part where this is a one-woman play
Like that's just crazy, how hard is it to just be nice to people, especially when they aren't even on stage with you
@TimStone "“Tea at Five,” a one-woman play by Matthew Lombardo about Hepburn’s recovery from a car accident in 1983, was meant to be a triumphant return to the stage for Dunaway, who famously was fired by Andrew Lloyd Webber before she opened in the Los Angeles production of “Sunset Boulevard.”"
Like the more I read in that article, the more I am like "whoa this woman sounds AWFUL to work with."

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