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2 hours later…
> Trump rescinded former President Biden’s Executive Order 14087, “Lowering Prescription Drug Costs for Americans.” He included this directive among those he deemed to be “unpopular, inflationary, illegal, and radical practices.”
6 hours later…
> President Donald Trump was quick to resume his most cherished White House pastime: late-night grievance-posting on social media.

His first target after the glitz and excitement of Inauguration Day: the “so-called Bishop” who asked him to have mercy on immigrants and the LGBTQ+ community.
> At about 1 a.m., he took to his social media platform Truth Social to call Budde a “Radical left hard line Trump hater.”
> “She was nasty in tone, and not compelling or smart,” the president complained.
For context:
> "As long as Citizens United remains the law of the land, our democracy will remain broken," said one campaigner.
> Trump's pardons sent a message to his followers: There are no consequences for political violence, so long as it's carried out in Trump's name.
1 hour later…
> Associated Press reports the Nielsen Company says an estimated 24.6 million people watched coverage of President Donald Trump’s second inauguration in the US.

It says that is the lowest audience since 2013, when Barack Obama was sworn in for his second term. Nielsen says it is also down from the 33.8 million who saw Joe Biden’s inauguration, and the 30.6 million who saw Trump take office for the first time in 2017.
1 hour later…
@User1865345 and possibly to hammer it home, how many left for the capitol
like they'll say the lower numbers was because of a record turnout in DC so if we have though numbers and they no where near explain the drop, it becomes another nail to hammer into him
@Memor-X reminds me of Kellyanne's alternative facts.
I read a comment in YouTube saying that of all those stiffs that Jan 6ers did was done by few black people in NY street, then Republicans would have gone ga ga over rising crimes and all that.
A convicted felon pardoning criminals.
But it shows how the Republican Party has become a cult of Trump with not an ounce of ideals left.
2 hours later…
to buy or not to buy
> Republican House speaker Mike Johnson earlier in the day downplayed Donald Trump’s blanket pardons for January 6 rioters, and said, “We’re not looking backward, we’re looking forward.”

But the speaker did not hesitate to glance in the rearview mirror when asked to comment on Joe Biden’s pardons, in his final minutes as president, to members of his own family.

“It was shocking what president Biden did on the way out, pardoning his family for more than a decade of whatever activity, any non-violent offenses. It was breathtaking to us. I don’t think that’s anything like that’s ever been an
The level of hypocrisy
3 hours later…
3 hours later…
@User1865345 yeh it was already figured out before he admitted to it
and he had to throw a tantrum over asmongold before he admitted it lol
but it's likely that he's been lying about his gaming "skills" for a long time
now with that all said, i saw NikoWrex's tweet a bit after his salute during the inauguration
> [NikoWrex] said in the video that Musk had permitted him to publish their conversation.
and i get the strong feeling he only decided to "admit" to it as a distraction from him doing the fucking nazi salute
people have been trying to defend it like "it's because he's autistic" and i'm like, fuck off with that
this is the same guy who allowed Nazi's back on Twitter and to thrive
this is the same guy who promoted antisemitic conspiracy theories (before changing twitter to hide his likes)
this is the same guy who is cozying up to far right groups including the one in Germany that many in Germany are calling the nazi party

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