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1 hour later…
4 hours later…
> How it started/how it’s going
@User1865345 seeing some of the examples of stuff that will be allowed is disgusting
and it's hard not to think that dropping factcheckers is related because some of i would imagine getting hit by a factchecker, like saying Immigrants were filthy pieces of shit and that Jews are greedier than Christians
and the end goal is what, to get the same audience who wanted to champion Parler but let it die?
6 hours later…
@Memor-X aha. Elon's hypocrisy. Nothing new.
@Memor-X end goal is bowing down to Trump. Zuck and other billionaires have no ideals to begin with. They only know money.
Oh they have already pressed the self destruct mode.
4 hours later…

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