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@Jolenealaska Yup. It's so obviously just pure racism.
3 hours later…
@Wipqozn imagine trying to be racist by being a step closer to North Korea
like it's up there with trying to beat woke by embracing Communism, and that was last fucking week
hard to tell sometimes if the US is trying to Speed Run it's collapse
"Judge rules killer of London, Ont., Muslim family committed terrorism, calling it a 'textbook example'"
10 hours later…
@Wipqozn In that story... Trump is also suddenly just now trying to move the address of several business to florida. How the hell do you think that's gonna fly?!
@Elva Yeah it's absurd
1 hour later…
@Elva Also, now that I'm not on mobile, he thinks it'll fly because companies get away with nonsense like this all the time. Him especially. This is probably the first time he's facing serious consequences for all the laws he's broken.
4 hours later…
Trump supporter and Newsmax watcher thinks Ukraine war is fake. Refugees are paid actos.
Conspiracy theory at its finest.
2 hours later…
@user85795 Well, its the basic play
something in the news is not looking great for them, or is just annoying to them? FAKE. PAID ACTORS
Holy hell, actors that have never been hired before are having a field day with all those gigs
Yup, the trump-bots are growing in numbers day by day.
Lemmings willing to jump off of any cliff for their leader.
So the high gas prices are being used to pay for all these "actors." β›½πŸ’ΈπŸ’²πŸ’ΈπŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

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