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Supreme Court rejects Alabama’s attempt to avoid creating a second Black majority congressional district cnn.com/2023/09/26/politics/supreme-court-alabama-redistricting/…
1 hour later…
Biden makes history by joining US picket line bbc.com/news/live/world-us-canada-66917039
1 hour later…
> Biden's visit to local car workers comes a day before his main electoral rival, Donald Trump, does the same
Let the games begin‽
🍿🍿🍿 👀
1 hour later…
@user726941 We will see if Trump is even on the ballot in a lot of states
and whatever happens if hes not on the ballot on some states
But fuck I'll never understand the US having a full electoral year basically
in Canada usually its about 2 months and when its done and dusted they work instead of promising what they will do in their next term
1 hour later…
BBC News - Trump committed fraud in NY, judge finds

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