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Fun fact: The Wikipedia user who edited Kissinger's page to past tense received so many compliments and well-wishes on their Talk page that it sparked a lengthy discussion on whether Wikipedia is an appropriate place to display hatred for Kissinger in that way
To summarize: there were so many comments congratulating her on being the person who made the change that the admins removed all comments and locked the entire page, and there is now a discussion on whether the removal of the praise was appropriate to begin with. Some of the praise was even Wikipedia awards because her editing the tense ended up being mentioned in the press.
7 hours later…
Share Message - George Santos expelled from the US House - live updates - BBC News
Two Democrats voted Nay. I want to hear their reasoning on that. Two voted Present, and three didn't vote. If the resolution had failed by five votes, I mean damn. What a s*** show that would have been.
Remind me, Santos is R or D?
So he says
He's a Republican who has founded his entire election campaign on lies
But even more so than the rest of them
How can we find out what Democrats voted against the resolution?
usually i would expect expulsion votes to be along party lines, and in this case the 'moral high ground' is against santos
so why break the party line
ive seen worse party line breaking but sure
I can't think of any reason why a Democrat would vote against this.
I mean none
I am drawing a serious blank
For those who wonder: About 10 years back there was a vote in the Canadian commons on a law where it was very easily to see it was an excuse to reopen the abortion debate.
Conservatives are in power. Most of the party still votes against. Except like 10 of them that break party line.

One of them IS THE GOD DAMN MINISTER OF WOMANS AFFAIRS (dont know the translation from french)
@Fredy31 Reporting I've heard said that all Republican leadership said they would vote Nay simply because their majority is razor thin. It's a bad reason, but still a reason. The Democrat Nay votes have me flummoxed.
@Jolenealaska Closest that I can get is that keeping him around further discredits the Republican party and allows the news cycle to continue to shine on the worst members of the party
Status of Women Minister Rona Ambrose
Motion 312 was a motion introduced to the Parliament of Canada by Stephen Woodworth, MP for Kitchener Centre, in 2012. M-312 called for the formation of a committee "to review the declaration in Subsection 223(1) of the Criminal Code which states that a child becomes a human being only at the moment of complete birth". == Reception == === Support === Groups opposing legal abortion, such as the Campaign Life Coalition, supported Motion 312. === Opposition === Groups supporting legal abortion, such as the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, opposed Motion 312. Numerous labour unions in...
M-312 called for the formation of a committee "to review the declaration in Subsection 223(1) of the Criminal Code which states that a child becomes a human being only at the moment of complete birth".
cough cough
It was not 10, as i said, about 50/50 for conservatives. But the PM voted against.
@Nzall Okay, I guess that's sort of a reason.
she voted for.
Like, Greene and Boebert have horrid policies and opinions, but they're pretty milquetoast when it comes to legal problems
If you want a fun time, check out the reviews of Marjorie Taylor Green's book on Amazon. She had all of 8 last time I looked, seven of which were bad.
It's called MTG.
One of the reviews said 'Damn this has nothing to do with Magic the Gathering'.
So now that Sandra Day O'Connor has died, and of course, the flags will be lowered to half-mast for that, it kind of dilutes lowering them for Kissinger. It works for me.
> Two Democrats — Reps. Nikema Williams of Georgia and Bobby Scott of Virginia — voted against expulsion as well, while Democratic Reps. Al Green of Texas and Jonathan Jackson of Illinois both voted present.

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