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room topic changed to Room for terdon and Ashish Ahuja: (no tags)
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uh, hello @terdon
what makes you bring me here?
@AshishAhuja Hi, I am a mod on Ask Ubuntu and I am afraid I just screwed up. I wanted to delete a spammer's account and I must have clicked on the wrong link and I deleted yours.
I'm really, really sorry!
None of your other accounts are affected, only the AU one.
I have already contacted Stack Exchange to ask them to undo my stupidity, but I wanted to apologize to you as well.
Seriously, I don't know how I managed to do this but I'm really really sorry.
I think SE will be able to undo most of the damage though.
sure, np. I know mods make mistakes like these.
I feel like an idiot :/
Don't worry, on my account there were just a couple of answers/questions and mainly flags on spam posts. Nothing seriously important
Thanks for informing me!
Anyway, I or SE will keep you informed. I'll let you know as soon as I know more about what can be done. I think that your rep and posts can be restored but you'll have a new account ID.
@AshishAhuja Ah! So you give your flags to smokey?
That explains it. I found the spammer through one of smokey'c chat messages, so I guess I must have clicked on your user name instead of the spammer's by mistake.
Still. Grrrr.
@terdon yeah, I've been a regular there since quite a long time.
uh, so will SE or you contact me through email?
because I use two different email addresses for SO, and one of them is just a dummy account I hardly ever visit.
@AshishAhuja I guess SE will.
@AshishAhuja Ah. I can tell them which one to use if you want.
Or you can contact them at [email protected]
:38702376 Got it (and deleted, just in case)
sure, thank you!
I guess it'll take a couple of days for my account to get restored @terdon?
I don't know. None of the SE employees are currently online in our network mod room. I've sent them an email and I'll ask one as soon as they come online.
ok, sure. I'll remove AU from my autoflagging prefs anyway. Thanks!
So I guess we're done here (I have some work to do)?
@AshishAhuja Yes, we are. I'll let you know if I have any news.
Thanks for being so gracious about this!
@terdon you don't need to thank me! I help clean up SO and I know how it feels to make mistakes.
anyway, ping me if you post more messages here as I have to do something.
Will do.
6 hours later…
@AshishAhuja SE just got back to me. Apparently, I screwed up more royally than I thought and they can't restore your account.
However, I was told that if you recreate your account, they can reassign your posts to you. That seems like the best compromise. Once again, I'm really sorry.
Also, because I destroyed you as a spammer in my stupidity, your new account will be automatically suspended. Just ping me here or raise a flag or something and I'll unsuspend it for you and then you can get your posts back.
@AshishAhuja ^^

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