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Q: How to talk to my boyfriend about not liking insta pics

Concerned GirlfriendI’m newly in a relationship (6 months together), and in the very beginning my boyfriend and I talked about how we feel about Instagram while in relationships. We both agreed it can be a slippery slope & unnecessary drama that can breed mistrust and insecurities in a relationship. In addition, we’...

7 hours later…
4 hours later…
Q: Why is it okay to go into a department store and leave without buying anything but not okay to go into a bar and leave without buying anything?

Reginald JohnsonPeople go "window shopping" all the time. They will go into a department store, look at the clothes, stay a while, and leave without buying anything. This is considered acceptable. But it is not considered acceptable to go into a restaurant or bar, stay a while, and not buy anything. Why is there...

5 hours later…
Q: Said I was in love and got a bad reaction. Should I stop seeing him?

Mr. AngerI (gay) am sleeping with this guy who seemed to be really into me. When I noticed he might want a relationship (he never said that clearly, so It could be that I just misinterpreted his actions), I started to act more like a boyfriend. I was definitely the more "emotional" one, but we talked ever...

Q: Am I wrong for not responding to my ex boyfriends mothers text/calls

Tiny TeeMy ex bf broke up with me June 2024. He said we needed to take a break. I let him know I didn't want this and basically walked away with grace. I know in my heart he was cheating on me. The breakup happen on a Saturday. That Sunday his mother called and I politely (the best way I could) said ...

2 hours later…

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