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Q: How to write an email so convincing that you close the deal!

Krishna KakdeHow can I write an email so convincing that the other person would open it and be interested... I am finding difficulties in writing good emails and no one has opened them..

12 hours later…
Q: Answer to: "Why would she sleep with you?"

dtnRecently I asked myself the question “why do women sleep with men” and the answer turned out to be not so simple and much broader and unpredictable than it seemed at first glance. Every minute a certain amount of sex happens in the world, for the most part, if a woman went for it, then there must...

10 hours later…
Q: Student dormitory shared flat

StudentwhowantstranquilityA new resident moved in a month ago, and since then, they have consistently neglected cleaning responsibilities. They frequently host gatherings without prior notice, often accommodating around 10 guests, and these events extend well into late hours, breaching the quiet hours policy (after 10 pm)...

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