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2 hours later…
how's today?
Not great. Im considering quitting still.
Q: Things you cannot do in London

little starI am attending some public meeting at London. May i know what topic i cannot bring up or what kinda stuff i cannot do specifically at London? . I am not sure about their culture. I am an Asian by the way. Should i tell them that i'm just somewhere from universe? Below some example someone got bea...

@ArthurHv Well that's not necessarily bad...
I have 3 months notice period. it's bad in the sense I'm considering quitting because I'm discouraged from contributing in the current job. I have a few reasons I'm in overall low mood.
There is the remote work disagreement, the hiring disagreement, the expertise on some of my technical advice being disregarded. The lack of trust in even the fact I'm willing to work. My colleague which is held hostage. It's a lot to work with
On top of that I forgot my phone and am right now unable to take a covid test appointment I need for tomorrow. I end up praying I will be able to from internet when I'm home, because I need the results for Thursday for an hospital admission.
@ArthurHv Oof.
You need a test for a hospital admission? Aren't you vaccinated, or?
I'm vaxed but you need a test for admission. They are afraid of contamination within the unit, even if you could be safe.
:D That's not a bad idea actually... Wish this country could be as sensible.
I'm getting a PCR test next month ._.
I've never had to be tested, and now that I'm vaccinated I don't need to (unless I get symptoms). It's just that this country is so messed up when handling this whole thing.
Proof of being vaccinated can be fraudulent, and there's no way to retract it.
Our healtcare insurance premiums are predicted to rise a lot due to all the covid-related care costs... but it's apparently still okay to not vaccinate and just rack up costs for everyone else.
All the money the government spent on keeping businesses from bankruptcy? It's probably people like me that will end up paying for that too... and I don't even use most of those businesses!
Then there's the thing were Arthur said hospitals over there are smart enough to ask for a negative test because vaccines aren't 100 percent effective... if you'd try to implement such a thing over here, people would protest and complain about 'discrimination'.
This country is just such a great exercise in 'how to be disappointed in humanity'...
Yeah. I mean Germany is doing something right: If you're not vaccinated, you pay for your own tests.
Over here people are just saying it's their 'well considered decision' to not vaccinate, but at the same time they walk around dressed as nazis and jews in concentration camp uniforms because their well informed decision comes with downsides like not being able to go to a restaurant untested for a while longer.
Enough rant though...
I understand the rationale. Well considered decisions that involve taking solidarity as granted is not really cool for people that have to support that solidarity. It's the same thing with people complaining cigarettes prices are too high. Well so is healthcare for the cancer they provoke right
@ArthurHv Yep. But given that it took this country over 20 years to create a sufficient stigma on smoking as unhealthy enough to warrant measures like no more smoking in restaurants.... I hope the COVID pandemic doesn't last that long XD
@ArthurHv 'Held hostage'?
@Tinkeringbell 'Walk around dressed as nazis and jews'?
@Sarov Yep. Several reports of protests with people dressed like that over here :/
Like, just, putting on costumes to make a point?
Yep! Costumes like 'striped pajamas', or just the 'jew stars' (dunno the word in English for them, this is translated literally from Dutch. It's a yellow patch in a star of David shape, with the word 'jew' (Jude or Jood) printed in the center)
That's... wow.
That's the kind of thing I'd do if I wanted to de-legitimize anti-vaxxers.
(Hey there's an idea... :P)
The twisted ways society works these days will probably mean that because anti-vaxxers present themselves as the victims, they're gathering support :|
Your idea will likely backfire XD
I was going to take the joke further but... probably shouldn't.
Just use your imagination for what I would have said. :D
Sorry, low on that today.
Tired, grumpy, and busy XD
That's the best time to use your imagination though!
Maybe later then. Right now, I have things to do!
Just make sure you use your imagination to do them!
Nah... the code doesn't need dragons.
@Sarov One of my colleague wants to quit. She asked for shorter than 3 months notice but the request was declined. Since then, she is basically away, taking sick leaves and being extremely demotivated.
@Tinkeringbell Agree to disagree that you're wrong.
Of course, that's what I'm used to from you by now ;)
Call it what you will...
Extreme Wisdom, then.
Ever heard of modesty?
Not sure. Is it tasty? :D
I dunno, I never tried to eat it.
Why not?
Already morbidly obese, surely I don't need more food options.
I mean... Wouldn't more options actually be helpful for that? If the only options you have are butter milkshakes and garlic toast...
...Now I want a garlic toast milkshake. I have no idea what it'd be. But I want it.
Time to buy a blender.
(if you don't have one yet)
Bread'd be kinda gross blended though, wuddnit?
But for the food options, I don't think modesty falls into any of the categories here :P
Talking about food!
This was in the news today. They 'invented' a new kind of broccoli, the one on the right, with smaller stems. It's apparently an attempt to reduce food waste... all I see is that it's now easier to cut out the stems XD
Wouldn't make a difference to me; I eat the stems (though not the very ends of the stems; I cut those off).
If anything, I'd say it'd be harder to cut the one on the right.
Also. 'graanproducten'. Long word!
Not the longest one we have :P
> aansprakelijkheidswaardevaststellingsveranderingen
Aw, you win. My word's meaning is better though!
(I assume.)
Yeah, this one has to do with insurances I believe ;)
"liability valuation changes".
Vs. "fear of long words"
Close enough I guess.
> meervoudigepersoonlijkheidsstoornissen
That's the longest one in the 'official' dictionary: Multiple personality disorders is one word in Dutch.
Why not? It's one disease too after all ;)
So call it, like, something simple! Like murf!
Smurf was already taken :)
Already taken.
Hence, just murf.
Or myurf!
Dream on ;) I'm going to cook dinner.
Have fun.
6 hours later…
"Homophobic" is a weird word. Like, what if someone just dislikes gay people, but isn't afraid of them?
Yeah, I get the 'a lot of discrimination is rooted in fear of the "other"' thing, but that can't always be true.
Also, what if you're not sexist but have a legitimate phobia? Not sure if that actually exists, but...
I enjoy striking fear into the hearts of bigots.
On a more serious note, it's not the best term but it's the one that's caught on.
Like, there's a difference between misogyny and gynophobia.
It'd suck if someone legitimately had homophobia. You couldn't even talk about it without insulting them!
A lot of the terms that people use aren't exactly accurate in what the root words mean. I've written about the word "antisemitism" in the past.
...Antisemitic is itself an "antisemitic" term? Huh. TIL.
Antijewish is a hell of a lot easier to spell, too. I'll probly switch to it.
I actually remember when I first learned the word, antisemitic, as a kid, I wondered to myself "Where'd that weird word come from? Why not just say anti-jewish?".
Auugh dangit user, don't ask me an involved question when there are like 30 min left in the day!
2 hours later…
@Sarov You mean fear of humans or things that are the same ? :D
@Sarov I'm thinking the two things mix and marry quite well. You could have a phobia you deny and build a hate ideology around to cover your insecurities. You could have a intrinsic hate about a topic and word it around discomfort and insecurity. Both ideas meet in rejection, and are not always possible to dissociate.
@ArthurHv Yes.
@ArthurHv Sure. Like I said, I get where it's coming from. I still think it's weird, though! :P
I see. Well I am OK with the origin of the word but I'm pained to see it like you said being used as an insult. The -phobia does imply it's stuck to a person's mindset. You don't have that problem with -ism words like racism that imply the problem is ideological rather than personal.
People are vehicles of ideas they don't always are mindful of or support entirely. Nonviolent communication assumption is that violence is the fruit of a majority of people carrying ordinary violence meanings. Likewise, I think homophobia or "sexualism" if you allow me the neologism has roots in a large base of people that would never commit anything criminal, but could be the carrying vectors of violent ideas in ordinary interactions.

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