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Q: Visiting my 2-year-old child after 4 months

MegiddI have a 2-year-old child. Actually 2 years and 3 months. I was traveling to another city to work and study for an exam. I needed time to focus on my professional engineering PE license exam. I haven't seen my son for four months now, but I'm going to visit him in a couple of weeks. I know it's s...

9 hours later…
Q: Family sneering on discussions for food safety

George NtoulosHow can I deal with or avoid my family sneering at me when I am trying to explain food safety rules? Whenever I try to explain food safety rules I am met with contempt, ridicule and sneer. They make fun of me even showing me the cooking pans on top of the stove. I am worried about Thawing (we ne...

4 hours later…

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