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6:41 AM
7 hours later…
1:44 PM
Morning - the two most most recent question I asked (girlfriend and SCI) only have 1 answer that is very limited. What is the issue here that's preventing people from interacting with it? Unclear? , off topic? Something else? It's a difficult conversation I will need to have rather soon. Thank you for input!
240 views with +3 score with no comments indicating need for question improvement
10 hours later…
11:35 PM
Q: Friends who I have talked for years about me and them visiting my home country, are now going by themselves

user66001And worst (in my opinion) they are cruising around my small country, where they will miss the vast amount of nature to be seen driving a few hours between each location. Apart from my feelings, I am struggling with what part I should have in helping plan this visit, when asked. Any thoughts about...

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