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1:45 AM
Q: How should I confess my feelings to a teammate I'm falling for?

PrincelyState9000I need some advice on a situation I’m facing. I'm part of my school's track and field team. A year ago, I met a new member of our team. We've always been on friendly terms, but a couple of months ago, we started spending more time together during practice, and I even began attending her church. A...

5 hours later…
6:47 AM
2 hours later…
8:55 AM
@ExtrovertedMainMan down so bad he became a christian
7 hours later…
3:59 PM
Q: How should I confess my feelings to a teammate I'm falling for?

PrincelyState9000I need some advice on a situation I’m facing. I'm part of my school's track and field team. A year ago, I met a new member of our team. We've always been on friendly terms, but a couple of months ago, we started spending more time together during practice, and I even began attending her church. A...

7 hours later…
11:26 PM
Q: Was she trying to sleep with me?

Julio NavarroMy counselor has always been flirty with me for like a year. She went to my house for a session and as soon as she went inside my house I told her I was going to get something in my room I never told her to come in my room. I'm in my room for like 10 seconds and she comes in my room and says "you...

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