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Q: How can one respond effectively to accusations of hypocrisy while ensuring the accuser recognizes the behavior's significance?

NeRobotoThere is a pattern of behaviour that I have seen that I will present here in general terms that I am sure other's must have noticed as well. The sequence of events is as follows: Person A regularly does something bad, unethical, self-harmful or annoying. Person B (and maybe others in person A's ...

Q: For here or to go? Why not both?

Nikolas CharalambidisI feel awkward asking this. I often order some coffee I want it in a cup to go. But at the same time, I want to take a sit for a while first (to have a call, to let the coffee cool down, ...) before I leave with a cup. In what way should I answer the question "for here or to go" in such a case? M...


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