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Q: August 2020 photo competition: Mountains

gparyaniThe theme for the August photo competition is "Mountains" (proposed by Mark Mayo). Essentially, this covers any photo of a feature of land that meets the definition of a mountain: a natural elevation of the earth's surface rising more or less abruptly to a summit, and attaining an altitude greate...

A few seconds late, but the August photo competition is up!
I haven't awarded a virtual prize yet for the July competition; does anyone have a suggestion as to which photo should earn it?
@gparyani When was it agreed that you’re doing it?
No one posted it, and no one talked about it, and there were a few minutes left before the start of the month, so I went ahead and posted it.
Was there a chat message I missed in my search?
16 hours later…
@gparyani I like the Home Depot Horse & Buggy parking :) The bike I guess makes the photo valid for the comp, but I think a parking building for horse & buggy is pretty neat
@gparyani Great theme! So many great answers already too
I especially love seeing some of the NZ mountains in there... boy do I miss NZ sometimes - almost enough to make me homesick 🤣
2 hours later…
@Daniil, if there had not been a new competition post by the time I woke up today I would have posted one, without previous post about it.
But it was not needed.
Best to start discussing the next month about mid month.
@Midavalo Thanks for your suggestion! I've awarded the virtual prize to that photo.
I'm also impressed by the turnout for this competition: 14 photos on the first day alone!
4 hours later…
@Daniil I don't recall any discussion about who was going to do it, other than that you and @gparyani would continue to do them (that may have been a month or so ago) - but asking the question when it's already the 1st is a bit late. I agree with @Willeke - needs to be discussed a good couple weeks earlier. Gives time for people to agree on a topic also
Thanks @gparyani for taking the initiative so quickly :)

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