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@MarkMayo still no other entries for the answerton. I have good chances to be in the top 3 :)
1 hour later…
@Dirty-flow For this seen through a hotel window I already have the winning picture :)
@Bernhard ok, so we don't to waste a whole month for the competition. You win the price :)
Exactly. Although I will leave for traveling soon, so I don't get to post it. So there is room for a runner-up competition
where are you going?
I'll leave for Vietnam, but I have no end-date. Also I have cambodia thailand and laos on my list
And Australia, so no real planning other than the first flight/visum/hostel
sounds good. to be honest - I dont have the courage to do a trip like this
but I have respect for people who do
I did pick up the courage, but I am also very excited now, I am leaving next week
Curious to learn how it goes for me
@Dirty-flow Unfortunately I'm on the road too often to keep a stable answering rate. Hence why I did not put my name down.
@JoErNanO C'mon! what about the "I am the Reigning Travel SE Answerathon Champion Defend it with Your Life."
2 hours later…
@Dirty-flow I wouldn't want to make you all look bad. :D
2 hours later…
If there is someone who has not voted yet for (one of these) photos, Mark Mayo and I are tied for first in July.
@Bernhard, you can post photos from a phone or from a computer in a hostel.
@Willeke True, but I won't have access to those most likely.
In your case I would leave most things at home but would take a phone capable of accessing internet through Wifi.
Q: August 2019 photo competition: 'Seen through a train window.'

WillekeTheme for August 2019 is 'Seen through a train window' by mdewey. As trains are not everywhere and at least some users are unable to use them, I want to widen the theme. The photo has to be taken from a vehicle through the window, showing the frame and/or the glass. (Or in case of a windowless v...

Full competition text added.
2 hours later…
In case someone wonders, I noticed I accidentally 'accepted' a post in the July competition. That is now undone, as it was completely accidentally and had no base in the voting.
@Willeke "All votes count as upvotes"...I think you mean "Only upvotes count for deciding the winner"
Unless you mean it literally?
Yes, I mean it literally, if someone downvoted, it will still count as an upvote to decide the winner.
Last month I asked not to down vote. Did not work, there are still three or four posts with down votes (and no explanations.)
If someone votes on a photo, unless they give a good explanation, I am going to take it as an upvote.
I...would not recommend that. I do agree that downvotes are bad, but I don't think someone who votes against a photo should be counted as a vote for the photo.
I think the existing rule of only counting upvotes and ignoring downvotes is fine.
Then they should read the rules.
I do not agree there, and I am sick of down votes.
By the way, did you already vote on either or both of the two tied for top in July?
(if the new rule had been active, I would just declare myself winner.)
Yes, I upvoted my favorite a while ago.
(Looking at it, there seems to be a three-way tie now...)
@Willeke That sounds selfish ;)
Indeed, selfish this month. But I have hated downvotes (especially undeclared ones) on the competition since the start. Next month it may be someone else who is the victim. (Or me again, as I was the last three months.)
Indeed a three way tie, three photos are 11 upvotes.
@gparyani, one reason to count all votes as upvotes is that some people seem to down vote to make their own position (seem) stronger. If all votes are counted as upvotes, their down vote do not work as they intended.
1 hour later…
Still a tie, now the three top ones at 12 votes.
I am going to check the position at midnight (UTC) and if no clear winner, I am going to let it go for an other 24 hours.
3 hours later…
@Willeke if you turn 'downvotes' into upvotes, you're actually trying to change the rules on stackexchange. Agree with @gparyani, you can't do that, even if you put it in the rules. People don't read rules.
mmm stroopwafels

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