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Q: Invisible aliens mistaken for red balloons

Beth StewartLooking for the title of a short story, likely from Amazing Stories Magazine, about red balloons that turn out to be the full stomachs of blood sucking invisible aliens.

3 hours later…
Q: Fantasy novel with a girl, a satyr, and a gorgon escaping a circus

TatendaI'm trying to recall the name of a book I read when I was younger, it was fairly large, presumably 800-1000 pages, the protagonist was a demi-human, young and male, I can't recall exactly what he was but I believe he was a Satyr. One of the characters was an Asian female with foot bindings that m...

5 hours later…
Q: A movie in which a statue of woman dressed in black moves and kills at night

AbhiramiI watched this movie about 15-20 years ago, I can't remember correctly. There was a scene in which this statue of woman dressed in black is moved into some museum or building and then moves around and kills people. I probably saw it on HBO or Star Movies around 2005. Initially I thought it was so...

Q: What's the deal with Daemon's unsettling dream about his mother?

galacticninjaIn House of the Dragon (Season 2, Episode 5: "Regent"), Daemon Targaryen experiences a pretty disturbing dream or vision while at Harrenhal. He's getting intimate with a Targaryen woman… who turns out to be his own mother, Alyssa. Talk about awkward! This whole scene might be the result of Alys R...

4 hours later…
@CerealBot @Mithical both Ninja and Panda relevance
Q: When Éowyn secretly followed Théoden as Dernhelm, who was in charge of the Rohirrim?

Michael FosterThéoden appointed Éowyn as his steward when he went riding off to Gondor with Éomer. Then Éowyn disguised herself as a man and followed. Did Éowyn leave the remaining Rohirrim leaderless when she left? That sounds highly irresponsible, but seems to be true as far as I can tell. I can see nothing ...

posted on July 15, 2024 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: Remember when conspiracy theories were mostly just funny? Today's News:

2 hours later…
Q: A book about the Second Coming of Jesus, but the supposed Messiah is actually Satan

RumodanI'm trying to find a book (or maybe a series of 2/3 books, I can't remember) about the Second Coming of Jesus. I read it about 25 years ago, and the author was a male. In the book(s) Jesus returns to earth and starts making miracles, and at a certain point he lifts the weight of the Original Sin ...

4 hours later…
Q: Corporate Dystopia book from the early 2000s

BenI read a book in the early 2000s (which is when I think it was published). It was set in a near future dystopia where corporations had taken over all public services. Poverty was outlawed and being poor or not consuming goods was looked down on. The protagonist was a youngish female character. Sh...

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