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Q: What is the source for this urban fantasy quote comparing the supernatural world to the insect world?

user2352714I had been browsing TV Tropes when I came across this very interesting quote from an urban fantasy or paranormal romance story that stuck with me. The quote went something along the lines of..."the [magical world] wasn't like the natural world. It was more like the insect world, where horrible cr...

3 hours later…
Q: Sci-fi book about man recruited to alt universe to work for secret employer, travels to alt universes, learns another version of himself was murdered

AbbigailThe book starts out with the man in his home universe, the last man alive. A group of people kidnap him to another universe, I think he see's the moon is different and knows what they're saying is true. They offer him to stay here and work for their secret employer (about whom no questions can be...

1 hour later…
Q: How did Voldemort know that Frank was lying?

Dhruv SharmaIn Goblet of Fire chapter 1, Frank lies about his wife waiting for him while he has no eye contact with Voldemort and Voldemort catches his lie. It is clearly stated that Frank and Voldemort were not facing each other. We know that Voldemort is one of the greatest Legilimens of the wizarding worl...

2 hours later…
posted on July 13, 2024 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: Surprisingly, Panda War Criminals 3 was the high point in the series. Today's News:

1 hour later…
Q: 80s-style music video/movie clip with sci-fi themes, possibly inspired by Batman (1989), Mad Max and others

AJMThis is a question I saw on Reddit's "Tip of My Tongue" subreddit here, asked by a now-deleted user in March of 2022: So I remember this clip from a music video or movie airing on MTV sometime during the 2010s. it looked as if it was made in the 80s (early 90s at the latest), it had these two wo...

1 hour later…
Q: Do the addresses in ‘Dead Boy Detectives’ hold any special meaning?

Janus Bahs JacquetThe Netflix series Dead Boy Detectives takes place in Port Townsend, Washington State. As with most shows, the precise addresses of various locations in the show are not really mentioned or focused on, but two addresses are clearly shown: The anonymous letters sent to Jenny show that the address...

Q: 80s live-action short film with a labyrinth/elf/handprint/minotaur

GozerHere’s what I know: I saw it in the mid 80s so it’s at least that old. I saw it at school during a class so it wasn’t full film-length. It was definitely live action, and definitely color. Storyline: a boy must find a new land for his people (elves, I think) to live in. He travels through a laby...

Q: Are the humans in "Rebel Moon" originally from Earth, like in "Warhammer 40K"?

galacticninjaThroughout the Rebel Moon films, we hear the term “Motherworld” being used, but the word “Earth” doesn’t seem to come up. The opening narration in Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire mentions that: On the Motherworld, one thousand kings ruled unchallenged in succession. But in the royal blood...

2 hours later…
Q: Very old horror short story about a dead man waking up

Oliver W.A dead man wakes up because his cemetery is being plowed up so they can build something there (apartments, houses, a parking lot?). I think the man kills the person running the bulldozer or backhoe? He then starts walking around. He goes to the library for information about something and people r...

Q: Fantasy Book(s) with Magic powers given from Rose Gold Rings

Jouaud QuentinSo I don't have many memories from this Book, and I've looked over the net quite a few time before trying here. The core information - There's not a lot of Magic holders in the story, and it's from ROSE GOLD rings. (At least in french..) The mc is quite young. Close to the end, the mc is in a ...

1 hour later…
Q: Looking for a Isekai manga

JoshIm looking for a manga where the protagonist jumps in front of a truck to get away from his crazy sister but they both end up being reincarnated in another where he trains to bring her down

Q: a fantasy genre movie

scaI'm trying to find the name of a movie that i think was on a streaming media service called plex in autumn 2021 (i cannot remember the exact month) i watched about 30 minutes of this movie, this is what i remember: there was a wizard who showed two people that he could make things disappear inclu...

2 hours later…
Q: What is the story which includes a mad king riding in a carnival?

Richard TibbittsIt takes place on a college campus and involves psychedelic drugs. The people who unlock this dimension should not have opened that door at all.

2 hours later…
Q: Book about a girl(?) who lives in an underground house. Something happens to her family and she ends up wandering on the surface

MakI'm looking for a book I read as a kid in 2009-2012. I don't remember a lot of details because I was only about nine when I read it, but the book follows a character (pretty sure it was a girl) who lives in an underground house. Something happens to her family and she ends up wandering on the sur...

Q: Science Fic Comic

ZedThey were groups of science fiction stories. Two stories I remember is a robot orphanage that had a real human boy in it who gets dismembered. Another was a man and woman crash on a planet and he goes caveman mode and won't let the woman leave.

Q: Comic about a teenager and a telepathic lioness? (Please help me find this)

SerpentRaptor I'd really like some help finding a comic I haven't read since I was in school. I would have read it in 2001-2002, though it may been released before then. I've tried googling it with no luck. I swear it was called 'F.R.E.A.K' or something. The front cover had a teenager jumping in the air clutch...

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