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Q: How did first year students at Hogwarts get the house specific dresses in Hogwarts?

Dheeraj KumarStudents used to wear their house dresses at Quidditch matches. But where did the first years get these dresses/add-ons in the first term as their dress shopping is done before they are sorted in a house?

Q: Old episode from the 60s in which two pilots landed at their base and realized they had somehow traveled ahead through time

H WeberTwo pilots landed at their base and realized they had somehow traveled ahead through time. One pilot went home and could see that his little girl (who, along with everyone else, was in slo-mo) would get hit by a car. So he attached a rope to somehow stop the car, and to basically save the girl's ...

1 hour later…
@DavidW Billy Talent is brilliant! I don't think they've ever had a "bad" album
I'm also getting through Delicious in Dungeon - it's a lovely end of day comfort show. And I've got the two latest episodes of The Boys queued up as well!
Listening to: I recently came across this metal band from New Zealand called "Alien Weaponry" (I'm a sucker for non-English bands). A few of their songs have been serious earworms
1 hour later…
Q: Card-fighting, battle-based cartoon/anime where the cards transform

LemaI’ve been trying to find this cartoon for the longest time ever. I’m not sure what exactly the details are but I remember it was kind of like Yugi-Oh in the sense that it was a card fighting battle based show. However, instead of only monsters appearing, the cards would also be able to transform ...

Q: A short story about an ancient anaerobic civilisation on Earth

AlfredI read this story many decades ago. Probably in a collection since I very rarely read magazines, but I don't remember at all what it might have looked like. A very, very old alien tells her memories to Earthlings. She was born billions of years ago. Her physiological age is much less, since she t...

Q: Has Marvel shown Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, breaking through Invisible Woman's force fields?

galacticninjaIn the Secret Wars #4 (2015) comic book, there's a scene where Doctor Doom and Susan von Doom (née Storm), aka the Invisible Woman, are observing a battle. Doom's Thor Corps—a group of Thor variants, each wielding their own Mjolnir—are fighting against the Cabal, led by the Maker (the Reed Richar...

3 hours later…
Q: In "Rendezvous with Rama", is the development of space vessel weather due to "Raman warming" described correctly?

David TonhoferI found a article on climate modeling of Arrakis (there is no in-depth paper that goes with that unfortunately, but a visualization is here). The conclusion was that Dune was basically possible, but the winters in northern region would be very cold indeed, contrary to the novel. This reminded of ...

Q: Cartoon where the main character has a bag of jewels that make his friend stronger

Mina CarstairsThe main character was male. I don't know which country the cartoon is from and I don't remember the main character's appearance. He had a bag of, I think, red jewels and a red/yellow animal friend. The gems made his friend stronger? It's not Huntik or Magi-Nation. I watched this on either Cartoo...

Q: Finding the LOTR scene where Gandalf climbs stone wall to find other mage

hitchhikerI am looking for a specific "Lord of the Rings" scene, but fail to find it so far. I do not know in which of the movies it was shown. Gandalf is ascending a steep path on an almost vertical wall on some grey-cloured mountains. It's misty, but day-time, iirc. In the end, it involves a mostly broke...

2 hours later…
Q: Title unknown, Author Unknown, Publisher Unknown

KathrynPlanet of low fertility, women live in "Wells" until they become pregnant, then become the property of the man who impregnated them. Woman who "runs" the Well in the story, comes of age, discovers through video left by deceased mother, her father is a god & sets out to find him. If I remember ri...

Q: Fantasy book about a group of teens who escaped from a prison guarded by ogres, then found a civilization of elves

Toby DavidsonI remember that a group of teens (don't know the species) were kept in a prison guarded by ogres (I think). These teens would eventually escape into a desert. Only a few would survive and then find the edge of a civilization of elves (maybe) and would train a lot. I don't remember much else.

posted on June 21, 2024 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: I've been doing this for 20 years now and it feels good to come clean. Today's News:

Q: Why did the Federation ban genetic resequencing?

Lucas WinslowIt makes no sense that the entire Federation and group of many planets would ban genetic resequencing just because of a bad experience the humans had with it.

2 hours later…
Q: Hunters of the Dawn

TimothtIn Arthur C. Clarke's 1979 Fountains of Paradise, the Hunters of the Dawn are mentioned in passing. Were these aliens a bigger presence in another of his stories? Also Ian Douglas in his 1998 Heritage Series also has an alien Hunters of Dawn with a very similar concept. Are the Hunters of the Daw...

3 hours later…
Q: I'm looking for a specific dragon book a read a few years ago

JakobSo I have been searching for this book for a while now. I can still remember how it started. It was about a woman, the main protagonist inprisoned in a psychiotry. She was there because someone framed her to be insane even tho she wasn't. Right before medical exeminations, a guard would force her...

Q: Book about a man who is at the age where a lottery is taken of the elderly and he's chosen to be "put down", leaving a sad grandson

CherylA man and his grandson are very close. When someone turns a certain age (70? 80?) they are put in a lottery of sorts and whoever is picked must be put to death, supposedly to control population? It wasn't a terribly long book.

Q: Lost detective anime

Tamarr Artis-PeytonBack in 2004 at a con, I was in a anime watching room I came across a anime about some kind of detective or mercenary trying to help a girl with a monkey companion. She lost her spot in a princess lottery? I can't remember if she needed their help to get back in or find a lost friend. The two men...

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