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Q: A manga boys love

Micah SableI’m looking for a manga that was about a priest who saved a man from suicide because he was charged of murder and told him he was the one who framed him and then I think raped him and then it goes through this lore of how his dad raped him. I know the cover is some guy with white hair about to ge...

2 hours later…
Q: Pokémon Question: Which Pokémon city is the most difficult city to navigate?

EasyE2005In your opinion, Which city in the Pokemon universe is the most difficult or a nightmare to navigate?

posted on February 27, 2024 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: He starts to get nervous when the gold bat comes out. Today's News:

posted on February 27, 2024 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: Beer goggles were also cheaper. Today's News:

Q: Does Nicanor's account of Alexander survive?

Arash HowaidaI came across allusions to a source in one of the volumes of the Ante-Nicene Fathers, relevant summary by Oxford: The learned Roman scholar and antiquarian M. Terentius Varro decided to take matters in hand and sort out the jumble of Sibyls in a systematic manner in the mid-1st century BCE. Varr...

Q: Why so many character cliffhangers in the last episode of season one, "Chrysalis", and why wait one episode to resolve them?

pipeI'm watching Babylon 5 for the first time, and while watching the last episode of season one, "Chrysalis", I thought something like wow, they're really hedging their bets! A lot of the important recurring characters are set up in a position that will make it easy to just write them off or to keep...

6 hours later…
Q: Manga about people controlling elements

TaladrisThe release of the live-action adaptation of Avatar: the last airbender reminded me of a manga I heard about when I was a teenager. I have only limited information since I read about it in France in the 90s in a video games magazine that had a section about mangas. Knowing this, I guess the manga...

Q: A Manga about some girl with chains in a Isekai

RayRayyA long long time ago, I once read a manga on an app called “Manga Rock” about some girl with a dark blue high school uniform who had chains on her wrists, she had a connection to the other side of reality, where I can’t specifically tell if there were dragons or spirits she healed from evil. Ther...

Q: Anime/Manga where everyone in one side of battle dies then turns into one person

son gokuSo everyone in one side of the battle dies and their dead bodies become one and create one new person does anyone know the name of this manga or anime?

3 hours later…
Q: Manga or manhwa where the female lead regresses and tries to win the love of the duke multiple times

Dracus MilestoneThere's a girl who is Duke's wife but the Duke is in love with her sister but still married the MC because of political reasons. In her first life when she hears that her sister died, she smirks and when the Duke comes home, he pins the blame that the MC was the reason her sister died and she is ...

8 hours later…
Q: Which Star Wars comics does this page (featuring Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine by Mark Mckenna) come from?

bqvwvpdWhich Star Wars comics does this page (featuring Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine by Mark Mckenna) come from?

posted on February 27, 2024 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: Hope you're getting a good laugh, cybo-people of 2073! Today's News:

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