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Q: Searching for book about Finnish girl in 19th century who migrates to Norway

Tina S15 years ago I read a great book that I have searched for online and at Nordic stores and come up a-cropper. It's set in the 19th c (I think) and follows the story of a poor Finnish girl who migrates to Norway (but it could be Sweden) and faces a lot of discrimination because of being Finn. As I...

1 hour later…
Q: Where to buy, borrow or download books

Richard Sundalany tips on where to get books that are old and obscure. A place where you can just look around would be great as well. I am ok with both print and ecopies. I really want to just snoop. However, I am also looking for Earth Ship and Star Song by Ethan I. Shedley. However I really don't want to pay...

1 hour later…
Q: Was Winston's death necessary in The Maze Runner?

user169986I don't feel like Winston should've died. He didn't really get far along, and it didn't make sense to kill him off that early in my opinion. He didn't really grow as a character; he was just like a death on the side. His death was sad, but I think he should've been alive longer. He could have bui...

@Marvin Newt dies?! Teresa dies?!! Spoilers, dude!
3 hours later…
Q: Fantasy book series about a boy who finds a sword hilt that can project a blue blade, and a girl who uses a bow that can fire blue arrows of light

Brennan MetzgerI read a series many years ago, that every once in awhile I’ll think about, but I can’t seem to remember the name or find anything about it on the internet. All I remember is that the main character is a young boy who finds a sword hilt; he then meets a girl whose name I believe was 'Hope.' She u...

Q: A really nightamrish SF novel by a famous author

AlfredI read this SF novel at least 40 years ago. I read it in French, in a rather slim paperback. But I know it was a translation from English and it was by a very well-known SF author. Alas, I forgot who he was. I also do not remember the cover. A dozen or so men and women are sent to some strange pl...

2 hours later…
Q: Scifi story I lost the name, please help

John DarbyWhat I recall is the story had scientists on a planet who discover humans already there. But actually another person preceded them, named General Majustatus. He taught the native beings, who are originally amoeboid in nature how to shape themselves as human and wage periodic tribal warfare. The s...

4 hours later…
posted on December 07, 2023 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: I would find it really satisfying if you could turn a knob in the universe and diffraction fringes would go away. Today's News: Whew! Finally back on my update schedule. ICYMI a couple nice reviews have come in for the new book, and some glorious nerds built a wikipedia page for it.

Q: EBook where a female supervillain escapes from jail, learns that she was betrayed, and then learns that she's trapped in a game

FuzzyBootsI think I read this 4-5 years ago as an ebook, possibly as part of the Kindle Unlimited program during one of my trials. A woman wakes up in prison. Her memories are shot, but she knows that she's a fairly powerful supervillainess, I think with enhanced strength, endurance, and energy blasts. I c...

Q: EBook where a female supervillain escapes from jail, learns that she was betrayed, and then learns that she's trapped in a game

FuzzyBootsI think I read this 4-5 years ago as an ebook, possibly as part of the Kindle Unlimited program during one of my trials. A woman wakes up in prison. Her memories are shot, but she knows that she's a fairly powerful supervillainess, I think with enhanced strength, endurance, and energy blasts. I c...

1 hour later…
@Marvin That's not half a trope anymore these days, is it?
This happened here within the last month with another user too (see comments on that question)
Huh. I guess I just got unlucky,
@SeanDuggan Maybe not. Before you even were able to respond here, I saw it happen on ELU too
Or maybe we're all unlucky
3 hours later…
Q: Book with a really tall tower

CursorCoercerI read this probably about 12 years ago. It was a fantasy book, may have been medieval. I believe the hero has to find a sword to defeat some great evil. The hero was probably young-ish, I suspect it's a young adult book. Here's the specific bit, there's a scene I remember distinctly. Our hero is...

Q: What was the first time that a life clock was used in sci-fi?

A.SteerThe concept of a life-clock has been used numerous times in sci-fi. A recent example is the 2011 film In Time, where everyone has a clock built into their arm that starts to countdown to zero once they reach 25 years old. The 1987 film, The Price of Life has a similar plot and concept as In Time....

3 hours later…
The synopsis under the Google search result for scifi.stackexchange.com is, and I quote:
"'Cat' has a final 't'. — The letter "t" is the only one in the word "cat". Then why is it possible to use "a" here? What would happen if a small black hole fell ..."
I haven't yet located the post that's in , the spider must hit the main page with the active queue...
Q: Distress beacon from alien ship book title

DebI’m looking for the title. Futuristic space travel, global race to get to a distress beacon from an alien ship in space. Asian like title. I think it was a series of books. Cool Venting system to cool ships plasma drive. More than one country arrived at the same time to the alien ship, and there ...

Q: Why is Captain Kirk's brother called "Sam" in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds?

1NomadWhy does everyone on SNW call Captain Kirk's brother Sam when it is explicitly stated in TOS that Captain Kirk is the only one who calls him Sam?

Q: Show about scientist whose body can be switched between control by his brain or a machine

nl-xA scientist has a machine that simulates his brain and it is calibrated perfectly. He has a switch around his waist that can switch from controlling his body by his brains to by this machine. And though it shouldn't matter who is controlling the body, because they do exactly the same things and h...

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