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Q: Finding an old anime

AstridSama1stI remember the protagonist was a boy and in ep 1 he was climbing a mountain or tower( also when i meant he was climbing thing of his on the edge of a mountain or tower climbing like hiking ),and he was fighting either corrupt souls, demons, or ghost his companion was a girl fighting with a double...

Q: I watched an anime awhile back but cant for the life of me find it again

LeahI want to say it was an anime directed more toward kids but The main girl who im pretty sure had semi long pink hair transforms and i belive worked in a bakery with her sister or maybe a friend? Bakery part is important because i remember She has a sweet but troublesome/trickster little magical c...

5 hours later…
posted on June 11, 2023 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: This is literally the funniest clusivity joke ever created. Today's News: Another double update thanks to this stupid book I wrote that people keep preordering.

posted on June 11, 2023 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: The weird thing is every last one of them is named Bruce. Today's News: berk

5 hours later…
Q: A film where a guy has to convince the robot she’s okay

user165094There’s this guy trapped in an old looking house with high tech computers, and there’s this woman’s consciousness trapped inside this robot. It’s either his dead wife/girl friend and he has to convinced her of something whilst in this simulation that she’s okay, and that makes the robot work. He ...

Q: 80ies young adult novel: woman awakes in bunker from cryosleep, finds Earth conquered by aliens

Hire-A-ProtagonistI got the book (in german) maybe around 1990 from a childrens library, so it was probably a young adult novel. I believe to remember that the title of the book was the name of the protagonist, a youngish woman name 'Crissy', or 'Carrie' or similar (the latter virtually impossible to search for, d...

3 hours later…
Q: Book about a boy who is taken in by a wizard and then goes to a city with a large magical tower

SpookiestSaladI read this book in my school's library in 2017, so I'm guessing it was published some time around then. I think it was about a young boy who got sold to a wizard, or his dad left him in the woods then a wizard found him and he was taken to a very cluttered cottage. The boy turns out to be very g...

Q: Why does Tony stark always call Captain America by his last name?

Snack ExchangeIn the entire MCU films, Tony Stark has always called Captain America by his last name whether their conversation is friendly or aggressively. But the two characters have always been close friends. And Cap always call Tony Stark by his first name. So why doesn't Tony call him by his first name?

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