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Will there be another movie night proposal? Or has this event died with the nuked-from-orbit Mod Eisley?
It hasn't died - please feel free to start up a proposal!
@Mithrandir How do I find out how many questions a tag has? And should I propose it in this chat or is there a specific chat or take it to Meta?
Go to the page for that tag, go to the 'newest' tab, look on the right.
Head to Meta.
Did we have parodies yet? Couldn't find anythinf
1 hour later…
alright then
2 hours later…
@Mithrandir Meta Proposal for the Movie Night
Q: October Movie Night - Parodies

NarusanDo you have a favourite movie? It's time to drag it through the dirt For this movie night, parodies of any fantasy or science fiction movie or book should be nominated. Rules: The parody must be an official movie, so no fan parodies or home videos. The parody must be intended as parody, so r...

Is anyone planning a joint screening of the season 2 of Stranger Things?
Q: October Movie Night - Parodies

NarusanDo you have a favourite movie? It's time to drag it through the dirt For this movie night, parodies of any fantasy or science fiction movie or book should be nominated. Rules: The parody must be an official movie, so no fan parodies or home videos. The parody must be intended as parody, so r...

@Mithrandir @Olórin I've rolled back this edit you guys approved because the only thing it did was add grammatical errors to the post. I've edited the title, the only erroneous part of the post, to fix it. Just be aware some edits can make this worse :)
@Edlothiad I disagree that it made it worse.
I think that it actually made it easier to read.
oh wait, I read that backwards
err, yeah: note to self: make sure you're looking at the right side being first
good catch @edlo
@Mithrandir Lol I was about to freak at you, ye the edit was muy worse.
I only noticed cuz I re-read the question and wondered what this guy could've edited if there's so many grammatical errors. :/
Greetings, Earthlings.
1 hour later…
@b_jonas I plead guilty. I think someone found I also had the highest number of self-answered questions. :-D I have read a lot since I was a child, but my memory is spotty, so I often find myself thinking, "Now what was the name of that story?"
2 hours later…
66,666 reputation.
My journey is complete.
@Adamant well that didn't last long
6 hours later…
Q: Are questions about works that cross mediums considered dupes?

MyCodeSucksI'd asked this question: Are there any Baratheons left? Before my edit to make it strictly about the books(which was my original intent until someone pointed out that I'd inferred TV show knowledge), it was marked as a dupe of Succession of the Iron Throne after GoT Season 5 (spoilers) - who's...

Q: Question on a cutscene in Resident Evil Revelations (the video game)

Guilherme WoolleyThe heroes make their way to the bridge, only to find the controls smashed and the ship adrift. To make matters worse they see their tugboat explode, and suddenly Jill is grabbed by a mysterious man. What caused the tugboat to explode?

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