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12:00 AM
So which do you think is the answer? your first or second?
I posted two answers to "Why is Thor worthy to lift Mjolnir?", after a commenter argued against my previous theory
The second one
A: Why is Thor worthy to lift Mjolnir?

Steven VascellaroPreviously, both myself and KutuluMike argued that Thor's hammer hadn't been enchanted at the beginning of Thor. However, KValorum found a quote from the film arguing against this theory. ODIN (CONT'D): So long entrusted with this mighty hammer, Mjolnir. Forged in the heart of a dying star,...

What makes this tricky is, originally I posted my first answer because I thought my edit adding the transcript to KutuluMike's answer would be rejected for changing the post too much
Since KuthuluMike's answer was edited to include more or less the entirety of my first answer, should I just delete mine now?
That seems like a fair reason to delete your answer.
I had rejected your edit, but two others and Mike himself had approved of it.
On a side note, I feel like I constantly undermine my own chances at rep-gain sometimes. XD
It's not about the gain of rep but about the gain of badges.
@Tango Tolkien was a genius. How dare you undermine him!
@Edlothiad Considering I only just got the downvote ability here, I disagree. XD
12:07 AM
Ye but who really looks at rep, whereas if you have lots of shinys!
Oh wait. Deleting that post undid my rep gain... :|
@Edlothiad I wasn't undermining Tolkien. I was unbarring the barred door - er, the Barad Dur.
no, it's about the dissemination of knowledge and the betterment of mankind
but shinies are nice too
12:08 AM
Maybe I should make a meta post
@Tango He would never have such basic intentions. Barad Dur had some far more complex reasoning that we'll never know but only speculate to until the estate decides they want more money, release a new book and I buy it.
@StevenVascellaro about? Also I've edited your posts to how I think you wanted your links to link up, just check I didn't break it :)
@Edlothiad Whether or not to leave my answer or delete it
I'd say leave it deleted, since after the edit to Mikes, it is now just a repeat of what his said.
You will gain rep with your new answer, as Valorum is keen on the idea, and it's different.
Also, having two conflicting answers is just not a good idea.
Although I thank you for the two first posts reviews :P
@Ixrec Actually, I like that answer. When I was working for Trusted User, I was big on rep and, honestly, even though I don't post many questions now, I'm only posting questions that I think are worth having on the site and having answers, not stuff that gains rep.
When people play games for rep and badges, usually the quality of the content they post is not the quality it could be.
I disagree. Mostly because I don't ask questions. (not because I'm a know it all, but because I'll search myself usually)
12:15 AM
@Edlothiad What about answers?
But when it comes to answers, (and I specialise in ) I try to do as much research as possible to get as many upvotes as possible to get the gold shiny.
Sorry I meant that as one answer
So I feel that if I wasn't obsessed with shinies, I'd have worse answers, that weren't as good.
12:31 AM
@Edlothiad Maybe he put it in as an Easter Egg.
Q: Why could anyone wield Callandor after the Dragon touches it?

Pier PaoloCallandor is also known as the "Sword That Cannot Be Touched", and in fact, no one can touch it until the Dragon (Reborn) touches it. After that, anyone – at least, among those who can channel – could wield it. Why is that? Is it because there are some wards that prevent anyone except the Drago...

@Edlothiad What's genius?
barad --  ‘tower’ in Barad-dûr, Barad Eithel, Barad Nimras; the plural in Emyn Beraid.
dûr --  ‘dark’ in Barad-dûr, Caragdûr, Dol Guldur; also in Durthang (a castle in Mordor).
I meant the easter egg was genius
@Edlothiad Hey, can you provide any research about that? Maybe he made up the name first and worked the words into the language. But if you could find something on it, that'd be an interesting question.
12:37 AM
AFAIK, that's all we get
But I've not read very much into the languages as I expressed before. When I find time I'll get back more to you
I am of the understanding that he didn't make up words and work them into the language, but instead sculpted the language as a whole altogether. But I cannot be sure
@Edlothiad But every now and then someone who works that way might slip something in just for fun. Maybe it gave him a chuckle and he said, "Hey, that doesn't change anything I've written, I'll do it."
That's possible, but not much about Middle-earth gave Tolkien a "chuckle" It was his life's work and it was no joke. He devoted literally years to sculpting and changing it
@Edlothiad I agree, but sometimes, when it's 2 AM and you've been working your butt off on something that important, you need to do something for a release. Like the guy that put his shoe up on a stand and shot it as a ship for the big attack scene in Return of the Jedi - even if that wasn't his life's work.
Wait what?
Ok so from what I've read Tolkien's elvish derives mostly from Germanic and Nordic languages and not from Latin languages
That would mean it is unlikely that Barred Door was the origin, but that doesn't mean it's impossible
It may be buried away somewhere in a copy of the Vinyar Tengwar or Parma Eldalamberon
@Edlothiad I'm not saying it is at all, I just wonder about it and I can imagine someone like Tolkien, or many other creative people, doing something like that.
12:50 AM
anyone around? anyone seen the last jedi trailer. What do you think Luke means when he says time for the Jedi to end?
@Tango I know, but that's just my quick research of his elvish languages.
Let me watch again
@William Just a heads up, If you ask on the site it will likely be closed as "Primarily Opinion Based" Due to our future works policy (as in it will be answered in a future work)
12:52 AM
@Edlothiad yes I know. I have had my fair share of questions like that on SO and other sites.
Which is why I am in the chat room :)
Ah ok, I was just letting you know that we had said Future works policy.
Ah you have 500 rep here anyways..
Umm so I've heard some interpretations that it's time for the Jedi Order as it was to end, and be hinting that Rey become a "Grey Jedi"
But I myself don't know enough about legends characters to know if they're trying to implement any of that in.
Grey Jedi wtf? Is her lightsaber grey lolo
Thank you for that insight my friends will laugh at that. Seems most likely to me so far
wait I got an "analysis video" for you
awesome I'm ready
12:55 AM
@Edlothiad If we could be sure there were more to it, I'd consider writing it as a question, but I think it's just a funny thing.
It's not great, but there's something
@Edlothiad Wow! 17 minutes of analysis of a 2 minute video!
@Tango I think there's a 90% chance there's something out there that could answer the question. But I know for a fact none of the people who answer on this site have the Vinyar Tengwar or Parma Eldalamberon on hand which is where it would most likely be. It could be in the histories of Middle Earth but I don't know
@Tango He waffles a lot
Hmm the analysis wasn't bad, but I see why people are getting the grey jedi gist.
I think what Luke means is that he's turned dark, and is actually Master Snoke and wants to destroy the Jedi.
12:58 AM
uhh I don't think that's accurate. If you are right I'll buy you a beer
So is there such thing as dark/white magic in real life then? I know this movies are supposed to have some religious basis. Isn't Star Wars based off some eastern religion or something?
Catholics Templars even believed that it was based on 2 types of magic(maybe a third if you include grey magic) if you follow the baphomet
nevermind let's ignore real life for a bit. How many directions can they really take Star Wars if they kill of the Jedi though?
I for some reason doubt they are going to go all Grey Jedi on people.
Well, after listening to about half of the analysis, I think he's guessing on everything, other than when he can specifically say, "This image is..."
@William You're right. It's really Han who is Snoke and when Kylo struck him down, he became more powerful than Kylo could possibly imagine.
1:08 AM
hmmm but snoke was in the force awakens wasn't he?
so he was switching back between being han solo and snoke in one movie seems unlikely
@William Yep. Han was already at work.
for how much rep you have I'm pretty sure you can create a better plot
@William He's making a joke, if you are unaware.
hahahaha. I was aware just hoping for a better guess maybe.
My problem with killing the jedi is that they would have to kill off Rey, Kylo and Luke
that is not what they would have to do.
They are not "Killing the jedi" in the sense that they have to physically kill the jedi
1:13 AM
okay then what?
They are "killing the jedi" in the sense that previous jedi beliefs are out of date and Luke has found a balance in the force, maybe he needs some more dark side in his teachings to find a true balance.
hahahah everyone lets be evil!!!
That still sounds like grey jedi to me and is something I'm not buying.
Hey, I did what you asked and gave you my insight. Just wait till december for the real answer.
@William Hey, I'm working with stuff Lucas created, I can only do but so much!
No I do appreciate it you are probably right
1:18 AM
Lol, do not ask a question about that, it's just be a faf
@William Maybe it's actually the Gray Council?
In the Babylon 5 fictional universe, the Grey Council is the governing body of the Minbari Federation. Its members carry the title satai. Delenn, one of the main characters of Babylon 5, is a member of the Grey Council. == Early history and structure == Founded by Valen 1,000 years before the Shadow War, the Grey Council comprised three representatives from each of the three castes - Worker, Warrior, and Religious - for a total of nine individuals. From time to time, the council had an additional member, a leader who served as a guide for the council. It is not known if this person had a vote or...
@William: Actually, I don't think Snoke is Han. I think Snoke is really Skippy, the Jedi Droid.
I think this gray theory is interesting because of Gabriel Gray in Heroes tv show. It doesn't specifically say there is Gray magic but it seems to be indirect. It seems a lot of shows have been going this way lately.
Snoke is Jar Jar, we all know that.
1:24 AM
okay jar jar is not a character
he is a coon
@William Umm as far as I'm aware that's a racial slur you might want to edit
it won't let me sorry. And its not that racist depending on where you live
Or you should clarify what you meant
@William Please don't swear in here. Words like J-- J-- can really offend intelligent people around here!
1:28 AM
@William, you should take it to mean it's most offensive form. As anyone could come and be offended
> In 1999 Fetchit's name was again in the headlines. Star Wars: Episode I-The Phantom Menace (McCallum & Lucas) included a character named Jar Jar Binks. Critics claimed that Jar Jar, a bumbling dimwitted amphibian-like character, spoke Caribbean-accented pidgin English, and had ears that suggested dreadlocks.
this? Because this suggests it's a very racist term.
That word ("coon") can change regionally and within a few miles. My current house is in the city of Richmond, as in the Capital of the Confederacy. If someone around here uses it, it's a racial insult. I'm moving out somewhere about 40 minutes from my current house. Out there when someone says it, they're talking about an animal usually hunted at night.
@William: Do you embed links in chat like you do in the normal SE markdown in questions and answers?
@Tango It doesn't seem like he meant racoon, but he might have
@Edlothiad I avoid use of the word completely - unless I'm talking with people who are hunters and are specifically using that word to refer to the animal and it would sound a bit awkward if I use the full word.
1:36 AM
This seems reasonable
@Edlothiad Overall, I prefer to avoid any words that could be ethnic or racial slurs, but in this case, context makes a difference and as a non-hunter and programmer (well, retired programmer), I stick out like a sore thumb anyway!
@Edlothiad: Although, for all we know "Barad Dur" may not be about a barred door and could be a really nasty racial slur!
1:53 AM
Q: Which comic book has this image?

user84422After the success of Wonder Woman (2017) for DC Comics after Dark Knight Rises (2012), this picture trending all over the internet: It indicates she saved last flop movie batman vs superman movie which is DC Comic by her success. Which comic book has this image?

You are welcome to flag the chat will not say again
in my class in college at an African American college we used the term willing and without issues all the time around students
Well technically it was a HBCU college. And we used it discussing movies mostly not other classmates.
@William Nonetheless, it's really worth avoiding. I accept that you did not intend to cause offense, but it might be worth deleting that (or getting a moderator to do so if it is too late; that's what flagging would do anyway).
2:09 AM
@William I think, in this case, there's no point flagging. I think, in the context of the discussion, it's not necessary. If it were an argument or something, or if someone had pointed out the issue and it was ignored, that would change things.
Q: What's the deal with Music Meister?

Donatello SwansinoIn The Flash, there is a musical episode that serves as a crossover with Supergirl and a way to further the romance of the characters of the Flash and Iris West. I thought that the Music Meister was quite a clever addition, as he seems to be symbolic of something. Possibly the writers, as he is t...

2:26 AM
Q: Since Brock's mother had died, who was the woman who claimed to be his mother later on?

ThunderforgeIn the fifth episode of the Pokémon anime "Showdown at Pewter City", Flint (Brock's Dad in disguise) says the following about Brock's family situation. His good-for-nothing father left the family to become a Pokémon Trainer and they never heard from him again. Brock's heartbroken mother trie...

2:41 AM
Q: were there any other options for taking out the plane?

Michael DautermannLeaving this question somewhat vague for people who haven't seen the Wonder Woman film yet. There's a relatively large plane in the closing minutes of the film that needs to be stopped.

1 hour later…
3:48 AM
Q: Did young Dream and Death really look like this?

ShokhetIn "The Parliament of Rooks" (The Sandman #40), Abel tells a toddler Daniel Hall a "children's story" about how he and Cain came to live in the Dreaming (pages 18-20). In the story, Dream and his sister Death appear similarly to Pop Vinyl characters, and it's really quite adorable. (page 1...

Q: Why did Asajj not poison Dooku?

JosafootIn The Clone Wars, Asajj and two Night Sisters sneak into Count Dooku's quarters and use a poison dart to dull his senses. Why did they not use a fast acting and lethal poison? They had the ability to kit Dooku and poison him with a less lethal poison. Was this Asajj wanting to prove her skill ...

4:49 AM
Just to throw a spanner in the works ;-)
5:19 AM
@Mooz Yeah - can we not?
This is one hundred percent the sort of stuff that will make this room go the way of the other faster than you can say "Shog."
5:34 AM
Q: Who exactly is Hippolyta?

ShaliniIn the movie Wonder Woman we see that Hippolyta is mother of Wonder Woman. Also, at the final fight scene between Wonder Woman and Ares, she says something on the lines of "goodbye brother". So I figured since Wonder Woman is the daughter of Zeus that would make her a sibling of Ares. However, wh...

@Adamant Aaaand, that's the problem. But that's ok, no harm no foul this time :)
now tacos :)
6:23 AM
Q: need help finding a book about man finding lost treasure in the ocean

LamphamBeen trying to find this book for ages since I read it around 2007-2010.. Iremember the plot being revolved around a middle-age man (unsure?) trying to find a treasure that was lost for many many years. I think the treasure was buried in the ocean or something and thats why no one could find it ...

1 hour later…
7:35 AM
Q: Why did they picked World War I over World War II in Wonder Woman?

Ankit SharmaWonder Woman in comics associated with World War II not World War I, but in 2017's film Wonder Woman, it's set during World War I. What was the reason for this drastic change, is it to avoid similarity form Captain America: The First Avenger or there any other reason for it?

1 hour later…
9:03 AM
Q: What is considered canon for Pirates of the Caribbean?

SQBThe Pirates of the Caribbean franchise is comprised of five feature films and one short film, two book series for young readers and one novel written for adults, a number of video games, and of course the theme park attractions. Most of these are shown in this timeline. Which of these are consi...

9:26 AM
Q: Do Wonder Woman's bracelets have special powers?

BlueMoon93We see in some parts of the movie that Are the bracelets magical artifacts, or is this just one of Diana's powers? On the one hand, it's strange that they didn't describe or mention the bracelets if they were actual artifacts. On the other, does this mean Diana could perform the explosions wi...

Q: Wonder Woman Orgin

Nasrul BharathiThere are 2 kind of origin stories around Wonder Woman. First one is Hippolyta got raped by Hercules and she gave birth to Wonderwoman. Zeus gave life to the clay. Which one is true ?

10:19 AM
Q: Is the charge of the Rohirrim in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields realistic?

allis oneIn the Return of the King the Rohirrim do a charge into the flank of a massive Orc army. Would a real charge be like that? In the movie the horses at the front cut through the Orc like butter, but they are no massive trolls, also, they have no physical support from the thousands of horses behind ...

Is this part of trying to explain real world science?
@Edlothiad Seems to be more about real world than the books. Might fit on History, though I don't know for sure.
It's not POO - whether it's realistic or not, it's a simple question.
I didn't VTC so don't look at me
I did VTC as off-topic.
It's not off-topic. It's about Tolkien's legendarium.
@Edlothiad No it's about whether the charge would be realistic in a real-world battle.
10:26 AM
So it's off-topic because of real world science
Q: Extract Models Textures From Halo 5 Forge

masterj2001So I installed Halo 5 Forge PC the other day in hopes of being able to extract models and textures from the game so that I'd be able to use them in Blender. However, after installing model and texture ripping software I was presented with this error from Windows: So I'm not exactly siure how I ...

10:47 AM
@Gallifreyan And if you send it to history, they'll send it back to us because it's not about real world history, and it will forever be trapped in a crack between two sites.
@b_jonas Deleted now.
(We could try to send it to role-playing games, maybe they know about mediaeval warfare stuff.)
11:16 AM
Q: Why didn't Maui just build a boat?

BroklyniteI recognize that this is actually partially answered here but I thought this was worth asking on its own for an answer that addresses it directly. Maui is stuck on an island for a thousand years. We also know that he is an expert wayfinder and seaman. I'm not saying that necessarily makes him a...

2 hours later…
12:49 PM
Why I got revival badge this late O.o
ofcourse that's why I said here :p
That certainly looks like a SFF background
Ah I mixed it up with the other gold badge.
I dunno, because the system forgot?
System being such a slacker lately ;)
12:55 PM
1:21 PM
Q: How old is Wonder Woman?

Phlegon_of_TrallesIn the movie Wonder Woman, we see Wonder Woman as a child who grows into an adult. During the same time we see the people around her - the Amazons - not seem to age at all. It's revealed that Wonder Woman is special. The Amazons are, well, not quite human, but they aren't the same as WW. It'...

Q: Trying to find a book, background was the catholic church in a space opera setting

DaveI am trying to find the title of a 2nd hand paperback book that I borrowed from a mate in 1984. The main background story is setting is various reglious organisations based on our current ones. Where galactic issues can be set in a combat area, the hero is a fighting monk, several different pla...

A: How old is Wonder Woman in Batman Vs Superman?

ValorumAccording to the March 2016 issue of Empire Magazine Wonder Woman is over 5000 years old. According to actress Gal Gadot (who portrays Wonder Woman) this un-agingness forms a key part of her back story and explains her absence for the past hundred years, that 'man's inhumanity to man' and more sp...

@Gallifreyan You can answer it then as the OP have no account there
1:28 PM
@AnkitSharma Too lazy.
1:41 PM
...wonder womaaaaaaan...
@Edlothiad is it worth saying here that it's definitely not realistic?
2:09 PM
also, is it just me, or does this question (wonder womaaaaan spoilers) need closing?
it seems opinion-based
or otherwise "should they have done something else" doesn't seem like a good fit for the site
I don't know, I have a bad feeling about it, but I'm still learning
yeah probably
IT just needs rewording
you're right, VTC it
2:41 PM
Q: Why did Voldemort want Florean Fortescue captured and subsequently killed?

VoronwëFlorean Fortesque was said to be captured and subsequently killed by Death Eaters during the Second Wizarding War (capture happened in 1996 -- mentioned in Half-Blood Prince). A few windows were boarded up, including those of Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor. What was the reason for th...

2:54 PM
Q: Prime time vs. new timeline, 5 year mission, where are the adventures?

HothieIn the original timeline the five year mission was full of action. If we assume all TOS episodes take place in the 5 year mission and that they span over the full five years, I guess every 2 weeks the crew of the Enterprise and mainly Kirk had to deal with red shirt death, tricking god like entit...

@Mithrandi, note I did NOT DV you
I wouldn't care even if you did
I just didn't want you to think I was doing anything more than voicing my opinion
I'm missing some context.
3:13 PM
You don't have 10k, sorry bud :P
Q: Why do all G1 leaders look JUST like Optimus Prime?

user84444Question for any Transformers G1 fans out there, why do all G1 Autobot leaders except for Rodimus and all the ancient Primes before him look like Optimus in a cosplay? In Transformers Beast Wars II, Lio Convoy looks not only like Optimus wearing a lion costume, but before they land on Giea he l...

This guy really hates Triss.
3:32 PM
Q: In the new movie, when was Wonder Woman born?

capuletIn the new movie it's revealed that Diana So my question is: was Diana born in late 1800s? And does that make sense based on the mythology of Zeus fighting Ares and conceiving her as a direct result of that battle? Or is passage of time somehow different on the Island?

@Babelfish @AnkitSharma ^ Oh, the irony...
Here comes my dupe CV after ages here
3:50 PM
Q: Duel between Gandalf and Voldemort: Who wins?

elzellMy ten-year-old asked me, if there was a duel between a magician from the Harry Potter universe and one from Lord of the Rings, who would win? I couldn't answer this question and promised him to do some research on the internet, but haven't found anything useful yet. Is there an answer after all...

@Babelfish that one got closed so fast
@DaaaahWhoosh Nah, it took 5 minutes. The record I know of is 3.
one of the mods on codegolf used to keep track of how fast it took him to close something
iirc his record is 17 seconds
Mods don't count
@DaaaahWhoosh I threw the first vote within 30 seconds, so it'd have hit the queue by that time
And people looking at the new question being like "OMG THIS ONE IS COOL!"
Q: Why do planets in star wars only have one environment?

Ben PoulterThis thought came to me concerning the star wars universe. On our planet (earth) we have many different habitats (snowy wastelands, forests, cities); but in the star wars universe there only appears to be be one kind of environment per planet, eg: Hoth is snowy, endor is all forest and curacant ...

4:06 PM
just to prove my point, ^ that one has only one close vote currently
(but I think it's a duplicate of at least one other question)
@DaaaahWhoosh You beat mo to it :) I couldn't find that duplicate.
I searched for "biome", but alas...
Didn't know it existed but yeah, it's shut
Hey, 2 story-ID questions in 2 days! I may hit 10k before George Martin writes his next book!
4:23 PM
1 message moved to Trash
I'm really considering disabling the M&TV [wonder-woman] and [dceu] tags for the time being.
Since they're more lenient towards spoilers.
those spoilers didn't even seem necessary for the question
@zabeus I've seen so many spoilers about WW I don't even know if they're spoilers.
4:29 PM
I've attempted to add spoiler tags to that question, let's see if M&TV approves it
@Gallifreyan spoiler: the Germans lost.
Should this question be reopened?
Q: Is there any particular aspect differentiating feminist and non-feminist work in sci-fi/fantasy?

JahanpanahHow does a work in sci-fi and fantasy qualify as a feminist or otherwise? Should gender based questions be part of the work and having only strong female character isn't sufficient? Case in point being the plethora of heroines running around in contemporary fantasy books but hardly any work can b...

I said NO!
If someone wants to reopen something, and it's not obvious why, they should leave a comment. No comment, no reason to re-open, leave closed.
@Edlothiad Methinks you have to independently judge the question based on our current scope.
@Gallifreyan they should still leave a comment
4:33 PM
@Gallifreyan I know, hence the "not obvious why"
@Gallifreyan wrong close reason; should be too broad.
@SQB It's a bit off-topic too - how is it about SFF?
It could be about SFF if it asked about a couple of specific works, but it seems to be applicable to all literature right now.
It is about feminism in SF. There may be specific aspects to that.
feminism itself is already too broad
@sqb If it's closed, we don't re-open then reclose, it remains closed
4:38 PM
Dystopias and utopias, for instance.
if you want to talk about feminism, you have to pick a wave. And probably not third-wave because it gets more and more complex as time goes on
I would say it is on-topic, but too broad.
However! This much a question like "How do zombies move?" and the meta may have been in favor of such things at some point.
@Edlothiad oh, of course. We do that occasionally when we want to switch dupe targets.
That's not the same
I agree with @Adamant that we shouldn't limit ourselves to trivia.
At least, that's what I think @Adamant means.
4:51 PM
Q: Science fiction movie about a couple that happens to be clones of mother-son & their relationship is forbidden by law

Yesi LugoI'm trying to find the title of a movie I watched around 2006-2007. It's a science fiction movie about a man and woman who wall in love and are chased by law enforcement because he is the clone of her son and she is the clone of his mother. I think once they get separated, the story repeats itsel...

@SQB No, I think we shouldn’t have those sorts of questions. I just don’t close them anymore because the meta consensus was against doing so.
I feel like a 'how do zombies move' question would be too broad
@Adamant oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to misrepresent your position.
5:25 PM
5:43 PM
Q: How does Darth Vader know Obiwan taught Luke?

ggiaquinI know this was already asked here but I didn't read an answer that really helped answer my thoughts on this. The biggest argument there is that Vader saw Luke with Obi-wan and put 2 and 2 together. however.... During this time, it was fairly obvious Luke was nothing more than a padowan. Vader...

@Babelfish "I know this was already asked here" is not a good sign
Does anyone know how to do things on data.se?
I do all sorts of things there
I type, I push buttons, I read lists
5:50 PM
Ok, so I have this data query. data.stackexchange.com/scifi/query/612963/… But Instead of what it's giving me, I'd like to have it give me all the ones in which are under 1500 characters, and (if possible) the top answer.
I can add a bounty on one of your answers or something
what's it giving right now?
Just all the "low-quality posts" (under 500 characters) from the entire site
aww, it's answers
And the rep is les than 50
that makes it harder, I have to join to the parent
5:54 PM
answers don't have tag values idt
you have to find the question ID & tags also
yeah, eloquently elaborated, Riker
Does that mean it can't be done?
it can it's just harder
Oh, bigger bounty!
5:57 PM
I'm like 90% there
you want it to output any extra columns?
Nah just the link.
Maybe its score
lol I didn't even see that, but I did add score
maybe if I have time later I'll parameterize the post size and tags
Umm, can you make it so it only shows the top answer? is that possible?
top answer as in the top answer to the question?
as in, you want to see all the Tolkien questions where the best current answer is a bad one?
@DaaaahWhoosh Exactly!
6:08 PM
eh, it's possible, but at that point it's a fundamentally different query
and I have real work to get back to, maybe some other time I could attempt it
(this is why waterfall is better than Agile)
You can get low scoring accepted answers on the main Stack.
@DaaaahWhoosh Wow.
Let those NAA flags loose!
Ya it's pretty awesome as it is, Cheers DaaahWhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh
You can have a cheeky bounty, but if I can do it on main I'll do it there
Q: Was Doc ever blamed for the clock tower?

DCOPTimDowdTowards the end of BTTF, we see Doc be approached by a police officer. Doc explains that he's doing a weather experiment as he's wiring up the two light posts. Later that night the clock tower gets struck by lightning and stops working. Was Doc ever blamed for or suspected of breaking the clock? ...

Oh holy squirrels, what did I just read?
@Babelfish %%blame
6:12 PM
gideon isn't here
A: Why did Caradhras not want the Fellowship to pass?

jeremiah dowtyIf you read the lore of Middle Earth you would learn that everything has a spirit, even the earth, so maybe Caradhras is actually an rock/earth spirit and did not want to let them pass because he was a little tired of people crossing him.

Is this a comment?
@Gallifreyan I mean it's an answer
Accepted answers in with a score of 10 or less.
Cheer's sqb!
If anyone wants LQP, there's a LOT in the queue
Oh wait, I just realised you're probably looking for questions with only low scoring answers and no accepted answer, right? Yeah, you need the SEDE for that.
ooh, and it'd be one of those things where you want the MAX row, but MAX doesn't let you return the rest of the row, so you have to join it again
I hate those kinds of queries
or... aww, I really want to try to write the query now
6:22 PM
I'll get it in a sec.
you could select all the answers to tolkien questions with no accepted answer, then filter on some answer criteria, then select distinct on that to get one row per question
it's cool because you're querying the answers, but you actually want the questions
wait... that wouldn't work
ugh, I'm just going to try it
ooh, yeah that'll do it
@Edlothiad Is that what you had in mind?
Technically, you'd need to exclude closed/deleted answers as well, but I don't think there will be lots of questions where the highest scoring answer was deleted.
6:44 PM
@DrRDizzle No Wonder Woman review? :)
for some reason Mike did the review this time
If I drop the restriction of Tolkien-only, there are lots of questions where the highest scoring answer scores below 0.
@DrRDizzle I still maintain that her costume is stupid and her hair should be tied.
But hey, why listen to the voice of reason?
@Gallifreyan Her costume is badass and I take personal offence to the idea that hair that amazing should be tied back.
6:49 PM
@DrRDizzle would you like to have your reviews fed to this room?
@SQB I don't think so. I like to pop in and see how people are doing/chat about the film when I post a review, and I'm pretty sure I'd forget to do that if it was done automatically.
we don't need to automate everything
I wonder if Wonder Woman (wonder womaaaaan) gets cold, without pants. Considering where she grew up.
@SQB c'est magnifique! You may also have a small bounty!
6:52 PM
@DaaaahWhoosh She wears pants, alright, but the lack of trousers might be uncomfortable, I agree.
@Edlothiad Thanks, but that's not necessary.
@DaaaahWhoosh I'm gonna say no, on the basis that she's a demi-God.
You guys like automating things? You should play Factorio!
Anyway, I've gotta bounce.
I've watched multiple let's plays thereof, if that counts
6:56 PM
See you all around.
7:33 PM
Q: Where did the belief originate that Cthulhu cultists will be devoured first?

SQB In this excellent answer, user tobiasvl remarks (...) had your question been "Where did the belief that Cthulhu cultists will be devoured first when he awakens originate?", I'd not have answered (...) So where did the belief originate that Cthulhu cultists will be devoured first? It does...

7:47 PM
Q: Pirates of the Caribbean: Is it a curse to ferry the souls of the dead?

ApolloI watched recently "Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge" and one thing I do not understand is why one of the plot devices in this film is the idea that William Turner is cursed. Sure, it looks like a curse, but it was estabilished in the earlier films that someone has to ferry the souls o...

8:05 PM
Q: For how long was Bill Turner undead at the bottom of the ocean?

ApolloIt is said in the films that Bootstrap Bill Turner was tossed in the water tied to a cannonball (or something of that sort), after the crew of the Black Pearl took the aztec gold. It seems he was already undead, therefore the pirates had to find his son to get his blood and break the curse. But ...

1 hour later…
9:17 PM
Q: Trying to find a story about an immortal little girl

BJMcCannIt's been maybe twenty years since I read this, so please forgive me for not remembering if it was a novel or a short story. It's the story of a girl whose father was either a Greek or Egyptian alchemist. He had concocted an elixir which, if drunk periodically, grants immortality. The problem w...

Q: Finding a Harry Potter Fanfic

Destany SantanaI'm losing my mind trying to find a fanfiction. Here's the details that I remember (that, when googled, won't bring up what I'm hunting): 1. Harry is pregnant by Draco and is abandoned by him(Gives birth alone with only his Healers and doesn't put a middle name on the birth certificate, baby bo...

1 hour later…
10:18 PM
Q: How does Avengers merchandising work in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Steven VascellaroIn Season 1 Episode 10 of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Mike Peterson mentions to Skye that he bought his son "Heroes of New York" action figures for his birthday. Skye: Is that Ace? What a cutie. He must be so proud of you, his dad working for S.H.I.E.L.D... Which he can't know with eve...

10:52 PM
Q: Searching for title and author of excellent book written 50 years ago

william f wallaceWritten 40 or 50 years ago - a virus kills off all in the world except genius IQ people - two characters enter the picture: one is a teenage boy who is a world class pianist; the other is a girl of similar age who is in a coma for a few weeks. They leave and try to get to the West Coast, I thin...

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