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Q: Title of supernatural police tv show set in fantasy world

Son NeeReleased on cable between 2018-2022 (I think). Main character is the head of the police (sheriff?) I think he is alcoholic but not sure on this. Each of the other officers is slightly dysfunctional and each have their own powers and are different species. I think there is a werewolf and a dwarf. ...

Q: I've been trying to find the science fiction movie I've been looking for for months

ChefR4Our movie takes place in the future, as far as I remember, there is a team of 2 people, one male and one female. The male one go out of the base and go to repair things. They report every day . During the report, the person they report to asks if they are working together in harmony. Woman opera...

6 hours later…
Q: The presence of "hands" theme on the book Vivian Sobchack - Carnal Thoughts: Embodiment and Moving Image Culture

BEATRICE BAZZONII'm about to write my thesis on hand presence in cinema and I would like to know if the book "Carnal Thoughts: Embodiment and Moving Image Culture" by Vivian Sobchack deals also with this topic in particular and not jut with the body in general

posted on January 25, 2025 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: Have you noticed that a lot of ancient philosophers who talk about letting go of attachments didn't have families? Today's News:

[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in body, pattern-matching email in body, potentially bad keyword in body (138): +27682935641 NEED A DEATH SPELLS CASTER TO KILL SOME ONE SAME TIME IN OKLAHOMA ,OREGON, PENNSYLVANIA,,‭ by Victoria Spells‭ on scifi.SE
Q: How To Evolve Primitive Earthling Understanding?

GODI for so long have guided my earthly children. Now I like to see which direction they will take without my guidance. So I invent those who think they can do better by being God.

Q: Who was the first to depict an alraune as seated inside a giant flower?

softfeatherbed"Alraune" is the German word for what in English is called the mandrake root. The "alraune" as a specific magical creature appears in several fantasy game systems, including the Shin Megami Tensei series, Castlevania, Disgaea and Pathfinder RPG. Castlevania adds an extra "u" to the name, apparent...

Q: Looking for the title of a Sci Fi movie from 70s

Brandon HaywardI saw part of a sci fi movie on paid cable around 1980. In the movie were space explorers on an alien planet where when they were outside, alone, a plant like creature would come up from the ground and burn or fry the explorers. The planet was desolate looking, like a desert. It looked rather low...

Q: What does Asimov's Terminus, Hari Seldon, etc. correspond to in real history?

KzarSince I first read Asimov's Foundation series 30 years ago, I have been pondering the various parallels with real history. Questions (here and here) have already been answered about what the parallels are, but very few have actually been explained. Belisarius / Bel Riose is interesting, Tamerlane...

5 hours later…
Q: Film whose unaging motorcycle-riding hero uses strength potions to fight bad guys

Miracle UbanaI'm trying to remember a movie, possibly early 2000s. It's about a kid that fights bad guys. He drinks a green portion out of a beaker-like bottle for strength. He also can't age. I think he drives a motorcycle too.

Q: Book Identification: Trying to recall an old trilogy/author

JimbleI'm trying to recall the name of a book I had a long time ago, it was part of a trilogy but I only had the one, it was about a man that was exiled from his people who sheltered in two fortresses, he travelled and met and befriended two tribes, I think one was river based, one was plains or forest...

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