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Q: Looking for a B-movie based on the following clues

Fitch Lou It's an alien invasion-themed film. There's a scene where an alien appears in a movie theater. Due to the darkness, a male supporting character mistakes the alien's tentacles for his girlfriend teasing him. The alien in the film looks like a water barrel about a meter tall, with a bunch of tenta...

4 hours later…
Q: Is there any additional lore to the Navigator Houses Rey'a'Nor, Modar and Yeshar?

BenSo far all I have found is the wiki entry: three ancient Navigator Houses that forms a triumvirate that traces its roots all the way back to the conquest of the Calyx Expanse by the Angevin Crusade over a thousand standard years ago. Houses Rey'a'Nor, Modar and Yeshar earned a special place in t...

Q: Story identification - alcoholic Android

Mikhail NYCI'm trying to track down a science fiction story I read in the mid-to-late 1980s. It’s been stuck in my mind for years, and I’d really appreciate your help! Here’s what I remember: The story centers on a character who appears to be an alcoholic, wandering through town, causing trouble, and gettin...

4 hours later…
Q: Childhood based romance with a regession

user208842So the plot starts with an fl who i believe might've regressed i think her family had non purple heir and hers was purple or the opposite anyway soooo she regresses into her abusive family who she is an illegitimate child of so no one cares about her except 1 maid at least and the fl family speci...

2 hours later…
Q: Story identification: short story or novelette which TV-show Severance seems to be based on

JeroenHoekI was reading the newspaper and came across a review of a TV series called 'Severance'. In this show a high-tech company has modified their employees in such a way that whenever they enter the underground workplace their brain switches personas. Their experiences and memories are segmented betwee...

1 hour later…
@Marvin Is 'Novelette' novel new name for novella?
@AncientSwordRage Between short story and novella isn't it?
3 hours later…
@Michael Perhaps?
Where does micro-fiction, flash fiction, and grabbles fit?
Q: 2024: a year in moderation

JNat It’s that time of the year again! As we bid farewell to the year that's concluded and welcome the new one, we have a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the preceding calendar year. As most of you here might be aware, sites on the Stack Exchange network are moderated somewhat differently t...

posted on January 15, 2025 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: You are all impure now! Today's News:

Q: Short story, possibly a snippet from a book, about a man in a plane crash who is transported to a different world

NathanI read this story possibly in a Breakaway magazine (Focus on the Family's teen magazine for guys) back in the mid-late 2000s (same era that followed the Left Behind hype). This young man was on a plane that had crashed and everyone on board perished, but he didn't realize this because he had been...

2 hours later…
Q: Story about building individual spacecraft to escape telepathy

DShapiroI’m trying to find a short story where a group of astronauts develops telepathic abilities while on a distant planet. As their powers grow, they begin to experience overwhelming mental strain, leading them to construct individual spacecraft to escape each other’s thoughts. I read it in an antholo...

@AncientSwordRage Not sure if the definitions are universal, but the Nebula awards say short story is <7500 words, novelette is 7500-17500, novella is 17500-40000, and novel is 40000+. Absolutely no clue about micro, flash, and grabbles...
2 hours later…
Q: Did anyone get their brain transplanted into an android?

Peter MIn the ST:TOS episode I, Mudd when conversing with Uhura, one of the androids tells her that (paraphrased): We can transplant a human brain into an android body, thus giving you immortality and eternal beauty. This was stated as if it was a fact, and that they had actually previously done this....

Q: Origin of Overkill's name Esteban (The Tick, Amazon)

AnonymousMiss Lint refers to Overkill as Esteban (or maybe Estefan). What is the origin of that name or is it explained at all? Was that his name before becoming Straight Shooter. Is there any more info given on the backstory and why we should be cool with her calling him that?

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