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Q: looking for an anthology from the1970s

michaelI am looking for an anthology of scifi. The thing that may make this easy for yall to find is that its cover did not have any artwork. it was softbound, all black cover maybe just some thin stripes on it. it had quite a few stories in it. one of the stories has to do with a gifted child who ma...

Q: Why is such a toxic substance called the 'Water of Life'?

Nu'DaqHow did the so-called 'Water of Life' get that moniker if ingesting it is fatal for most everyone?

4 hours later…
Q: If we are living in a simulation, who might be the creator?

CuriosityKTCIf we are living in a simulation, which modern scientists now believe, who might be the creator and why?

3 hours later…
Q: Book series: starship officer returns to the academy where he trained with gardener in martial arts

James CorrI'm looking for a book (part of a series). A starship officer returns to the academy where he trained with the gardener in martial arts. I'm fairly sure he started off as enlisted and then went to the academy. There was tea/coffee cups involved where he would never get the same one twice when he ...

Q: Book series like the House of Night but a human girl is sent to live with vampires and eventually falls in love with one

LaniThe book starts with a teenage girl who despises vampires, but it's her mission to protect a vampire girl, so she must go undercover at a school to protect her. She meets this vampire boy, and while she hates him at first, they come to fall in love. Later in the series, they secretly get married,...

7 hours later…
Q: Why is homemade food preferable over replicated food?

rumtschoI don't have exact examples, but I'm sure that I've seen it happen on many different starships in the Star Trek universe: replicator technology exists, but the people have a strong preference for food they've cooked themselves. I can imagine different explanations: It tastes better (in the sense...

1 hour later…
posted on January 13, 2025 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: At zero stars, you just get flooded. Today's News:

Q: Looking for a short story: man reads story about lovers in a chair and the lovers break onto his estate and come up to his chair

rsktakerI read this story a while ago, was wondering what it was. I think one of the lovers was his son, and the man didn't approve of the relationship so they come up behind him to possibly kill him? It's a magical realism story, where the fantasy in the book the man is reading becomes real.

@Jenayah Belated happy new year to you too! Hope it's off to a good start.
Q: Fantasy trilogy with a female villain who can't be killed through normal means. The protagonist has to break this protection to kill her

JetamorsThis was a trilogy of fantasy novels that I probably read before 2010, written by a woman, possibly British. I'm not entirely sure about these details (I was reading a lot of similar books at the time), but I think the protagonist was a woman from our world who turned out to have magic powers? Ma...

2 hours later…
Q: identify novel about children finding a rocket back to earth from the moon

TschösiI am trying to remember a book that I read as a child. It takes place in the future, somewhat dystopian. Humanity either lives on the moon or on a heavily destroyed earth (no real plants around, etc.). Everything is controlled by some computer. There is a group of children that go exploring. They...

Q: What species are represented on the Enterprise D?

Darrel HoffmanIn Star Trek: TNG, in season 4, episode 7, Picard mentions to Worf that there are representatives of 13 planets serving aboard the Enterprise. (According to the script: https://www.st-minutiae.com/resources/scripts/181.txt But those scripts are not final. I believe he actually said 17 in the ep...

1 hour later…
@Jenayah Welcome to the club, you get used to it eventually! Plus you get to use dad jokes and complain about 'in my day'.
1 hour later…
Q: In Spy Kids 3 - Game Over, why does the Guy get disqualified from the game as soon as he opens the portal to the Level 5?

FlatAssemblerIn the film Spy Kids 3 - Game Over, Carmen Cortez gets trapped into a virtual reality game for a year, and her brother Juny Cortez goes to save her. That game has 5 levels, and the entrance to the Level 5 is very hidden. Namely, to get to it, you need to jump into a river of fake lava and dive th...

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