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Q: Anime identification

Mango038I remember very little of this anime but I will say what I do know. The mc was a guy There was chains around his heart There was magical beasts in him

1 hour later…
Q: Do we have any info of weather synths can breed that didn't come from Deacon?

DaveThr reason I won't accept any information from Deacon is because he's a compulsive lair. So do we have any info one way or the other on the breedability of synths?

Q: Forgotten Title "Poison Master From Wuxia" Story

Joka Keekian KK This series is most likely a fan creation, not korean, jap or china.. Poison master reincarnates from a wuxia world, into a world where monsters exist and is a threat to humanity. This poison master enters the body of a despised young master, which his stepmother is trying to assassinate him. MC...

Q: Fantasy book involving a thief stealing a rainbow horn artifact

Myles WiebeA master thief that gets roped in by the nation's king into exploring an elven crypt for some magical rainbow horn artifact. I remember there being a heist in the first chapter, with something about a special kind of flooring that reverberates sound and a guard dog.

Q: Looking For Movie

King Williams VickWhats the name of the movie where an asteroid landed on earth, small though, and a lady with her boyfriend went to check it out, the lady touched it and it gave her super powers, are hair also became white and i think Her teeth changed, new one came too

1 hour later…
Q: Why do the people at the Cave react this way to Orpheus's actions?

AdamantIn the series Kaos, there is a bar where people can play trivia for the chance to retrieve someone from the Underworld. Obviously, neither the patrons nor anyone else knows about the true purpose of the Frame, and they likely do not know that it exists. However, they do know that the official Oly...

1 hour later…
Q: Looking for the title of a manwha/manga/novel with MC pretending to be a god

nanaHe helped little/small(?) people/dwarves (?) and they were slaves of vampires(?) and they found their abandoned kingdom when they were escaping. I think he pretended to be a god or an ancestor of the small people.

2 hours later…
@DavidW 100% with you
@DavidW If you see something that needs mod attention but isn't an actual post or comment, you can flag any post as "In need of moderator intervention" and type in whatever information is needed, including links if possible.
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 I totally get that. Sometimes it's hard to find someone who's sufficiently into the same stuff to appreciate talking about it - but hey, that's exactly what communities like this are for :-)
@fez that's a false equivalence. The identity of the author of a programming language has very little bearing on the language, while a work of art expresses the ideas of its creator.
@Randal'Thor I was curious so I went and checked my copy - 272 instances of the word "pause"! Not sure I'll be able to not see that now :P
Also, how probable is it for someone to be an expert in the life of Ray Bradbury but not know much about his books? Or vice versa, having all of Ray Bradbury's books but not know anything about the man himself.
@SQB Right. People care about Ray Bradbury because of his works, mostly.
@SQB it's not probable but it's possible
@fez The same could be said for a meteorite landing on my head tomorrow: it's not probable but it's possible :-)
Hahaha this is true
FWIW, Literature has enshrined in policy what @SQB is endorsing here: every question about a given novel/play/series/whatever has both the work tag and the author tag. It's worked well over there for the last seven years.
Here things are more complicated because we have non-book material as well, but I don't think anyone is advocating putting a tag on all questions about whichever SW films he did.
A: Should we tag questions about short stories with the name of the author?

SkoobaTL;DR I agree that author tags should be used for short stories. You present a very well reasoned approach in your question. I see a couple different scenarios and all would need the author tag to not create confusion. Short stories published as an anthology by a single author. Short stories pu...

^ also, FWIW
@Randal'Thor Huh. I never read that answer.
@Randal'Thor indeed I am not. Like my examples, I don't think we need to tag next to or next to .
@SQB That's the slippery slope though, is it not? If the author tag's on short stories ,why not add it on all the HP or legendarium questions? Why stop at short story authors?
They're guidelines, not black and white rules.
Fair enough
My position is, how do we attract the people interested in the question?
Should tags be the thing that attracts someone to a question? For me it's more so the title that makes me click on a question and want to learn more
Well, I like to use tags to easily jump to related questions. Let's say I've just watched Fringe, I can of course search for fringe is:q, but that would give a bunch of false positives, where someone is asking about the fringes of a genre, for instance. The same goes for other common words. If I click on a tag, I get a handy overview of all questions about that subject.
In the general overviews, questions tagged with tags I follow are highlighted, which is also nice.
I know that you can base feeds off of tags as well, but other than the feeds into this room, I don't really do that.
Take Charles Stross as an example. The Laundry Files and The Merchant Princes are large enough series to warrant their own tag, so if I wanted to follow everything Stross-related, I would follow , and . If Singularity Sky and Iron Sunrise got an tag, I would follow that, and the same goes for Halting State.
But for the rest of his standalone works, I would need to follow each of their tags. And I couldn't even follow a nonexistent tag for a work about which no questions have been asked yet. I would rather just follow in that case.
@fez The linked meta post gives some reasons for applying this to short story questions and not to e.g. HP or LotR.
(Although on Literature it is applied to all questions, even those about HP and LotR. Literature has a very consistent tagging policy, thanks to curation efforts since the very beginning of the site.)
@Randal'Thor Of course, on Literature, the relative complement of in is not an empty set.
I don't think it would be using tags the way they were intended for, but I'm a "disagree and commit" kind of dude. If it's beneficial to people using and navigating the site, I don't see why dragging heels would be a good thing. For example I can get behind adding the author tag to questions tagged [short-story] along with the related work tag. At the end of day the questions are tagged correctly according to a policy, and that makes me a happy goose :)
"Deleted by a mod? Hmmm... Looks Okay to me!" - whaaaat???
Q: Story about a pig(?) going to the jungle and needing to defeat a clan of tigers

N WrightI have a recollection of this story from my childhood (we're talking 30-35 odd years ago here). I'm fairly sure the main character was a pig (or some other similar harmless farmyard animal). He becomes lost, (possibly running away from home), and ends up in a jungle, where the other animals are l...

2 hours later…
@fez That's exactly what I mean by "trash review.". Also the immediately following FQ review, which also "Looked Okay" despite not even having a story-id tag.
Q: Two sisters live alone in a house after the rest of their family died

Sean DugganI read this in the mid-90s while in Ashland, KY, from a shelf of books in our house that was largely occupied by books my parents had owned before us kids, so there's a good chance that the book is older than the 1980s. The two main characters are two sisters, living alone in the family home. The...

@fez And again already a second time today.
@DavidW I thought the user in question had learnt the error of their ways. Unfortunately it seems they've decided to just be sneakier and even more underhanded now.
2 hours later…
Q: Science fantasy book regarding a student that learns everything but when tested he always fails

RobZThe book (or series) revolves around a young man that diligently studies under successive masters to no avail. When he has to demonstrate his skill it fails each time resulting in him moving to the next field of magic. I think one of the fields of magic was something on the lines of taking a smal...

Just spotted one! A downvote, marked as reviewed, and then un-downvoted. What's even the point of reviewing at this stage??
Gotta be two in a row there
posted on September 11, 2024 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: The arts of course existed before Aristotle was wrong about them. Today's News:

Q: Was it stealing

SteveOIn the movie or the book Charlie and the chocolate factory. Willy Wonka say Charlie stole fizzy lifting drinks. But was it really stealing? Admittedly Mr Wonka did not offer it to them but he also didn't prohibit them either. He made was very generous with all other aspects during the tour and of...

Q: Book that features clones used for retirement

BrandiTrying to find a book I read years ago. The main premise was that clones were used for people to live on Earth while the original person retired on the moon. There were two main characters. One was an older author who was wanting to retire. She made a clone of herself to live on Earth and continu...

Q: Childhood counting book about a boy who goes to miniature worlds based on the numbers 1 to 10

Ashe The Nightwind DragonChildren's counting book. Both counting forward and backward to 10. Late 80's/early 90's It had a child (male) going on an adventure in the woods behind his home? his grandparent's home? I don't remember. But each page was him visiting a miniature "world" based on the numbers (ie: 5 had everythin...

3 hours later…
@Randal'Thor - Nonetheless ... I appreciate your willing ear (figuratively, of course) and the conversation about the discourse. :o)
Q: When I was a kid I watched a movie it was sci-fi but I can't find it

SunfizzAll I rember is one scene It all happened on a different planet. Everyone was alien. They were tall,grey and it looked like they lived in middle ages also the main colour scheme was green i think. So there were guards riding animals that I would describe as hippo and anteater( face of anteater an...

posted on September 11, 2024 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: But you should see what happened to the first-born. Today's News:

Q: YA Trilogy where boys live on an island. They're unaware of the existence of women

AnnaI remember a trilogy of YA books I read as a kid, but I can't remember the name. Here are a few details, maybe they'll strike a chord with someone here. Boys live and study in a school on an island They don't know that there are women They play a sport game where you fight and hold a ball with...

Oh, come on now, exactly how was that "Reviewed"?!

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