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12:36 AM
Q: Remember an old science-fiction tale about taking a fusion reactor out to the asteroid belt?

magicsnd1and using it to build a million ton steam-powered ice shielded starship. Can anyone identify this story?

1:12 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in body (59): Forgotten movie title, cannot remember title‭ by Gary‭ on scifi.SE
Q: Forgotten movie title, cannot remember title

GaryMy wife is looking for a movie title with the premise being, 2 gay men are smuggling either a worm or a parasite in their bodies. My email is [email protected] if someone can help out. IMDB or Google was no help

1:37 AM
Q: Why is foop the only anti-fairy with a name?

DaveEvery other fairy is just named anti then their fairy counterpart's name

Q: Searching for a 90s Anime with a Dark-to-Light Princess Twist

Mustafa Efe ZayimlarWhen I was about 5 years old, I watched a show that I've often thought about and tried to remember, but I've never been able to identify it. Please bear with my ambiguous and fleeting memories. The show was either an anime or a cartoon, but I recall the style being more similar to anime. I saw it...

1:58 AM
Q: children's show about kids who fight of pirates in a flying ship trying to steal the people in there towns valuables

tboIm trying to find a childhood show from about 2000-2010. Where a group of hero's I believe where kids have to protect the people of a town from pirates in a flying ship trying to steal there valuables unfortunately I don't know what channel because i watched it on Freeview. I remember the show b...

5 hours later…
7:03 AM
Q: 2 questions on atoms and particle accelerators

AAustralisLet’s say that you have a particle accelerator, could it be lethal if it only fired a singular atom. Let’s assume that it can fire with infinitely large amounts of energy. Could it be lethal? Second question, what could go wrong? Let’s say that the reason this accelerator fires with such amounts ...

Q: I'm looking for a book about a young person on another planet who's parents are archeologists

BrookseyI read this book when I was in middle school 1984 - 85. The story takes place on a distant world. The MC is a child of archeologists and is exploring a huge ancient buried spaceship designed for beings smaller than humans. The world also has primitive child like beings that live in the wild, but ...

7:43 AM
Q: Reason for removal from Canon (2009 Avatar games)

SpacePhoenixHas there ever been an official reason given why the Avatar games that came out in 2009 are no longer considered to be canon? As far as I can tell, none of them conflict with each other, the films or any of the comics

Q: does anyone know this book from like scholastic book fair?

anaI don’t remember much from the book except the ending. Basically this girl thought her friend was dead throughout the whole book but come to find out she was never dead, right? there was an instance in the book where the main character finds a lock of hair in her closet/wardrobe.. when the main c...

8:24 AM
Q: 50s-60s novel likely written by a British author — ancient starship discovery unveils humanity's extraterrestrial roots

Armando MendiettaI'm looking for a novel from the 50s or 60s, most probably written by a British author. In the novel, explorers find an ancient starship, and reverse engineering gives humanity the same ars. Using the information gleaned from the ship, they trace the ship's origin to a planet that has signs of an...

4 hours later…
1:49 PM
Q: Can you help me find Asian Female authors novels Trilogy

Phillip ClementsDragon controlled world, about a young woman, fighter, mage Healer, Girl with magical tattoos, Potions, portals, other dimensions, Dragon King,Towers, city in ruin, Multiple shifters types, He's part of a guild of fighters, her boss is a line shifter

2:28 PM
Q: Movie identification 90s-ish on the Syfy channel sea creature

ElaineI remember clips from a movie I saw on the Syfy channel as a kid. Could have been a 90s film or older. Here's what I remember: There was a woman who was some sort of sea creature/had tentacles There was a gorey scene with a big pit and someone hanging over it in chains all whipped up. i think th...

2 hours later…
4:25 PM
posted on August 04, 2024 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: This happens roughly 4 times a week. Today's News:

5:18 PM
Q: Possible Hitchcock anthology short story written before 1970 about newlyweds honeymooning In the Caribbean

MikeMinNCI am searching for a short story written before 1970. It may have been featured in an Alfred Hitchcock anthology of scary stories. It was about a young newlywed couple honeymooning on a Caribbean island, maybe Haiti or the West Indies. In the story the young bride has a spell placed on her by a ...

6:13 PM
Q: Comic with a rhythmic representation of an alien language (instead of in an alien alphabet)

BenI'm looking for a comic I once saw in which one character spoke a foreign or alien language. The speech was not translated (e.g. [in square brackets]) or rendered in some kind of alien alphabet (like this), but looked more like a sequence of vertical lines, if I remember correctly: || ||||| ||...

6:32 PM
Q: space un - non human focalpoints

Matt Bartletthello there's a trope in sci fi where theres a race/species ( usually the protagonists/ cenntre of the story that achieves inter galactic travel, they head out in to the wider galaxy (sometimes galaxies depending on setting, they then encounter many alien species who for various reasons are oft...

1 hour later…
7:53 PM
Q: Please identify fantasy series

Dave ArtmanI am trying to recall a series of books I think I read in the 90s--fantasy novels about a lord (and maybe a lady) who rules over a world where it's eternally spring, summer, fall etc. I believe there's a murder that draws all the lords together. Can anyone give me the titles and author? Thank ...

3 hours later…
10:37 PM
Q: A novel where evolution from Neanderthals to us, and from us to superhumans is just by shedding facial skin to become less prognathous

AlfredI read this novel about 20 years ago, in English. Even though the science is horribly wrong (which did bother me a lot) it is really a great novel. It starts with an anthropologist finding that Neanderthals became Homo sapiens sapiens with a less prognathous face just by shedding facial skin and ...

11:17 PM
Q: How many times has a Starfleet group or individual attempted a coup of the Federation government?

LManuelIn DS9 (S4/E12), "Paradise Lost," a Starfleet Admiral attempts to overthrow the civilian Federation government and implement a military dictatorship. How many times (in canon) has a Starfleet group or individual attempted a coup of the Federation government?

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