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12:31 AM
Q: Where do the Rebel and Imperial symbols appear onscreen in the Original Trilogy?

Milo POn an episode of the podcast Star Wars Minute, one of the hosts puts forward a tongue-in-cheek theory about the intent of the Rebel and Imperial emblems, summarized here: Rebellion and Empire emblems From the brilliant mind of host Alex Robinson in SWM 114. The emblems that are used by the Rebel...

Q: Looking for my childhood book about a teddy who cant sleep

StarlightI am searching for a children's book I read in the late 90s about a teddy bear who sneaks around the bedroom when the boy is away or asleep and he plays with the toy soldier, ballerina and some other toys on the shelf but then he hears the boy r the mothercoming into the room so he gets back into...

2 hours later…
3:00 AM
Q: Arthurian stage play that had The 5th Dimension's "Up, Up and Away" played during a flying scene with Merlin

FuzzyBootsI was putting my child to bed tonight and, when he was saying "Up" repeatedly, it led to me suddenly remembering watching a stage show at the Paramount Arts Center in Ashland, KY. I don't remember exactly when it was other than that it must have been before 1998, and I suspect it was around 1990-...

1 hour later…
4:20 AM
4 hours later…
8:38 AM
Q: Finding an old anime with a similar art style to space carrier blue Noah

That_swordfish_1872When I was a kid I watched this anime about this city that was in deep space and that it had to fight its way back to earth I think they eventually got there or something but it had like little space battles and stuff i don't remember if it was like a mech I think it was a carrier I've searched e...

3 hours later…
12:03 PM
> "It's because," he pointed out, "the sun is right there."
12:50 PM
Q: Arabian Nights type movie, comic sidekick turns out to be a ghost

PeteI saw this film many years ago, and it was old then. Probably 40s or 50s, maybe 60s at the latest. Its an Arabian Nights/ Sinbad/ Thief of Baghdad type story. The young hero gains a comic relief sidekick who helps him. At the end of the film, the hero sees a statue of his sidekick. Its someone ...

2 hours later…
2:38 PM
posted on July 16, 2024 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: The really distressing part is that he keeps saying names for approximately 6 hours. Today's News:

Q: What accents are used to represent the various factions in audiobooks for the Shadows of the Apt series?

AncientSwordRageIn the audiobooks Ben Allen is the narrator, and each city/kinden seems to have a distinct accents (except Collegium and the Wasp Empire, where each character seems to be distinct) many of which are from the United Kingdom. For example, the characters from the one of the ant cities consistently h...

3:06 PM
Q: A short story where all humans deliberately evacuate Earth to allow its ecology to recover

AlfredI don't even remember when I read this short story, except it was very long ago, nor whether I read it in French or English. After my question on the last zoo on Earth was answered, Jason Patterson wrote a note about another story by Asimov, with the opposite philosophy. That story is "The Greate...

3:29 PM
Q: Book in which a girl dies on a railway track and her sister brings her back in a virtual world

user85643This is on behalf of my daughter who read the book a few years ago. How she described it to me: In the book, the girl is electrocuted on a train track - electricity travels through a balloon she is carrying. The girl was working on a virtual world or some kind of VR tech. Her sister later carried...

2 hours later…
5:21 PM
Q: A male furry prevented a male student from jump down onto a train track, and ending up the boy also help the furry from depression

JustATreeThis is a short manga (one-shot) about a male Furry (drawn in his 30s I think) helped a boy (a human). The Furry took Anti-depresen pills until he ran out and decided to end his own life similar to how the boy almost end his own life, the boy stopped the furry and sayed I've Pharapased but it sho...

6:06 PM
Q: Improved memory leads to writing success

AndrewI'm looking for a short story probably from the 1950s or 60s (I probably read it on Project Gutenberg). I think the person telling the story is a TV producer. He gets a script from a newcomer, which is terrific and a huge success. The newcomer comes back sometime later, with a movie script that'...

Q: Why couldn’t Doctor Strange save Christine?

user931In What If…? S01E04, Doctor Strange became a sorcerer to combat his grief due to Christine’s death. When he used Eye of Agamotto to save Christine, he failed. Christine’s death continued to happen in different ways because his grief was required for him to become a sorcerer to prevent paradox. A ...

3 hours later…
9:22 PM
@Randal'Thor - I finished book 10 today ... can't say as I like how it ended. I didn't like how it lead up to what I guess would be called the climax. I didn't know where it was going to get the book done. Oh well ... on to book 11 :o)

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