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Q: A princess who became a dragon and saved her kingdom

Milo EverestThis is a long shot but it's been 10 years and I'm still looking for this book so any help would be very appreciated. This book is based around a kingdom, more specifically its princess. She grows up being taught never to go into the forests because they are seen as dangerious because of the fair...

4 hours later…
Q: "A Relic from a Kinder Past..." -- what was meant?

releseabeIn Mortyplicity, doubtless eons after the events involving the numerous Decoy Families, Glockenspiel Jerry (I was thinking of them as puppets/marionettes -- not sure why called that) who has been largely dismantled by beavers and probably worn by time, is discovered by what is described as dolphi...

1 hour later…
Q: A short story about two identical twins raised separately

AlfredI read this short story at least 30 years ago, in a collection. Each story of the collection had an afterword. This story begins by the description by two scientists (sociologists ?) of an experiment: two identical twin brothers will be raised in completely different environments and when adult t...

Q: Contemporary Fantasy w/ Magic Heroine and a Good Vampire boyfriend. Post-Buffy. Pre-Twilight

ArcyLooking for a book I read in the early 2000s. I believe it was a standalone novel and new at the time. The cover may have been primarily brown with gold lettering. There's definitely a Buffy feel to it, with our normal-appearing heroine falling for a vampire-with-the-soul. It's not a romance. It ...

2 hours later…
Q: Locating the "Yan-king-fu" text, allegedly dating to 764

Arash HowaidaWithin the Encyclopedia Iranica some French research papers are cited that allude to a Chinese source text by "Yan-king-fu". The relevance is that the days of the week were written in Sogdian: The planetary week was introduced in China by the Manichean Sogdians with the original Iranian names of...

3 hours later…
I really loving Book 2 of Shadows of the Apt
1 hour later…
Q: Mythology researcher gets pulled into helping Artemis in the modern world

FuzzyBootsI suspect that I'm just a few keywords away from figuring this one out, but I either listened to an audiobook of this, or read an ebook, in August of 2022 or 2023 because I remember partaking of it during nighttime walks during a family trip to Ocean City. The male lead is a mythology professor a...

Q: Anime where a demon lord created new "unbeatable" magic that's regular attack magic 60 years later

KingI only saw the untranslated title in a short but this stuck with me. a demon king resurrection event where he's impressed they're using the type of magic he created and the dome shaped hexagon grid protection magic a female side protagonist (rocking Final Fantasy black mage garb iirc) blocks his ...

4 hours later…
Q: Book about (London?) England murderer following Christian calendar, team of detectives

ConkI am looking for the name of a book I read within the past 5 years about a team of detectives who are on the hunt to catch a murderous criminal in England (I think London but not 100% sure). This murderer commits crimes based on the Christian religious calendar due to a strict Christian upbringin...

posted on May 29, 2024 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: First Person Murder Spree VII was the high watermark, of course. Today's News:

1 hour later…
Q: Fantasy manga, Not an Isekai (I think), about world of magic and monsters about a little boy who excels at magic

Lovell Padden MaychrzakI am looking for a title about a little boy who was recently born and has an in-depth affinity for mysticism. In the first couple of chapters, we see him emulate the magic of a couple of individuals (his older sister, for one) and simulate it nearly perfectly. In a RAW chapter, he's then seen rep...

1 hour later…
Q: Short scary stories anthology book - Swore on a Dead Cat

user2506833I've had the phrase "you swore on a dead cat?" bouncing around in my head for years, and I think I can trace it back to a short scary story anthology book I read in the third grade, around 2010. I think the book was fairly old at the time, so I'm not sure how much information the year I read it p...

2 hours later…
2 hours later…
Q: Trilogy - Protagonist is a Glitch in VR RPG

FuzzyBootsI know there's a TV Tropes page for the series. Chapters were initially released on Royal Road but have since been published on Kindle (and I think removed from Royal Road). The main character is an NPC in a VR, female, maybe an elf. I think her first name starts with a Q. She is the "hero's comp...

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