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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive body detected, potentially bad keyword in body, toxic body detected (109): Are ilitek done.soon‭ by Phoenix Brickwall‭ on scifi.SE
Q: Are ilitek done.soon

Phoenix BrickwallGOING TO STOP THEIR ACTIONS SOON AGAINST ME AND MY FAMILY or will An:die first? YOU ARE FUCKING IN SANE AND POOOOOR POOR rakkias who has a broken heart like i d.o.o, and seems she wants you #killed2 andie ilitek madnet rubbercorzy

Well, if it had to be tagged with something, sword-of-truth isn't the worst choice...
3 hours later…
Q: Need suggestions for books or movies about Developing Exceptional Team Bonding

user1314404I want to build a soccer team where there is a very strong relationship between every member. After several years of organizing and managing many teams, I have observed the following facts: Players from the same origin, such as the same provinces or countries, tend to group together. They seem t...

2 hours later…
Q: About a odl cartoon show i need top find

NiteshThe main character was a young boy who had a red colour theme and wore a red gauntlet like thing which transformed him at first only his arm but in later episodes his whole body. he had a middle age guy as a mentor/side kick. the kids father was killed by the main villan for his gauntlet. sorry t...

Q: Show identification: Villains turn creatures into super powered monsters

Link SkyIt could be an anime or a cartoon that's similar, but there were three villains similar to Jessie James and Meowth from pokemon. They would take creatures and turn them into crazy monsters which the hero would defeat. I remember in one episode which could have been the finale, the pet (what could...

4 hours later…
Q: Was there a comic book moment where Frank Castle acknowledged the Punisher as his intrinsic nature instead of a reactive transformation?

galacticninjaFrank Castle's origin story (in most iterations) is that he became the "Punisher," a vigilante who relentlessly kills criminals and evildoers, after the tragic murder of his family. I was watching Season 2 of Marvel's The Punisher TV series (2019), and in Episode 9, there was an interesting momen...

3 hours later…
posted on May 18, 2024 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: If he'd been Steve Hitler, there'd be no Steve now. Deep thoughts. Today's News:

posted on May 18, 2024 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: Wings would also be acceptable, as would a thousand gibbering eyes. Today's News:

3 hours later…
Q: I want to find a cartoon/show with a main character who likes this girl and another who really likes him

José JuarezI remember 1 episode where the main character went to a parral universe where this relationship changed and he and his friends became evil. I also remembered you could find this show on youtube in 2018.

3 hours later…
Q: I'm trying to identify a book about AI

user175106I think the book may have been one of the Endymion series by Dan Simmons. This story is a small part of a larger story. It takes place on a long abandoned mining colony. Over thousands of years, the abandoned machinery developed AI to fulfill their mandate to keep mining. They became quite sophis...

2 hours later…
Q: Trying to find a book series from the late 90s/early 2000s

user20841I'm trying to find the book series I read as a teen. It is probably a long shot, but from what I remember the main characters name was Chile, or Chilli. And I'm pretty sure he and his friends solved mysteries.

2 hours later…
Q: A short story about a haunted room in a partially old mansion. Not "horror", the ghost does no harm

AlfredI read this fantasy short story in a collection about 20 years ago. Of course, it could be much older. A rich man who has many friends likes having people around. But it happens that he invites too many people at the same time, and there are not enough rooms upstairs. So on a few occasions, he ha...

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