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Q: Looking for a young adult book about a shapeshifter, but I cannot remember much about it

EvaI read this book as a young adult and cannot remember many details. The main character is a young woman who can turn into a dragon/wyvern like creature. I think they had a specific name for what they were, but they were basically human sized dragons. I think she also lived by the ocean. Her famil...

2 hours later…
Q: How did Moldaver survive to the present day?

AdamantWe know that Moldaver lived about 200 years before the events of the series, before the bombs were dropped that turned California into a Wasteland. Now, we have only seen two means of surviving that long in the show: being a ghoul, or being cryogenically frozen as one of Bud's Buds. If Moldaver w...

Q: In what story was the alien on a donkey just a prop for the true alien?

OddthinkingI am looking for a short story I read in a sci-fi anthology that may have been edited for children. Read it in the '80s, but based on the style, I wouldn't be surprised if it were written in the '60s. An old man walks in to (Old West?) town with a donkey/mule/burro/whatever. Riding on his donkey ...

2 hours later…
Q: Which dinosaur layed the eggs that Dr Grant found?

A.SteerIn Jurassic Park, after escaping the T-Rex and sleeping the night in the tree. Dr Grant, Lex and Tim find eggs in the roots of a tree, and Dr Grant exclaims that life did find a way. Which dinosaur layed those eggs?

@DavidW I get that
Q: I'm looking for the title of a book about a group of dream warriors who fight a "demon" with psychic abilities that hides in peoples dreams

MarkI read a book in the early- to mid-eighties that I have not been able to recall the title to. The story was set in roughly the present day. A small group of people were able to enter the dream world by drawing a pentagram in the air, which had a silvery outline when drawn, then pulled the piece...

Q: Episode of Red Dwarf. Rimmer meets a robot copy of Ghandi. Acts like stereotypical drill sargeant. Makes homophobic insults

Judith JonesThe scene I remember is Rimmer playing the role of drill sargeant. Ghandi is a soldier (a natural role for such a famous pacifist of course.) Rimmer asks where he if from and Ghandi names his hometown. Rimmer says the only two kinds of people from town name are steers and queers, which one are you?

2 hours later…
Q: Horror movie about two sisters

kokoI remember an opening scene of two sisters fighting over a doll. One sister is holding the legs and the leg pops off, the doll has marker sunglasses. Years later one sister gets into an accident that causes her to lose her eyesight and her ability to walk. I remember something about a witch and t...

2 hours later…
1 hour later…
Q: Is Sarah Harding canonically the daughter of Dr. Gerry Harding?

A.SteerIn Jurassic Park, the park vet with the ill Triceratops is Dr. Gerry Harding. The female protagonist played by Julianne Moore in Jurassic Park: The Lost World is Dr. Sarah Harding. Jurassic Park: The Game links Gerry as being the father of Sarah, as well as having another child. The fandom page f...

1 hour later…
Q: How do we know it was Nemesis who killed Nicholai in RE3?

Victor BulatovThe fate of Nicholai Ginovaef / Nikolai Zinoviev depends on player choices. Here I'm talking about the specific outcome (Youtube link), where Jill encounters him at the Dead Factory, they have a short conversation during a shootout when suddenly we hear Nicholai's scream accompanied by some tenta...

posted on April 13, 2024 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: C'monnnnnn hatemail. Today's News:

Q: What explains the implied weirdness of sibling relationships in the sci-fi story "Stranger In Paradise" by Isaac Asimov

sarthak-agI am reading the short story "Stranger In Paradise" by Isaac Asimov. I will try to build some context for those who have not read the story or need a revision. The story is set in a futuristic world that has suffered from some unspecified "Catastrophe". In this post catastrophe world the traditio...

2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer, blacklisted user (73): What other celestial bodies are in Barrayar's solar system?‭ by Andriy‭ on scifi.SE
2 hours later…
Q: Finding novel manwha

LunnThe female protagonist is an orphanage that have talented in magic and she discovered the orphanage has been selling the children so she runaway by the way she also has a wand that was leaved by her mother. When she was running from the orphanage she being kidnapped and met the prince or the male...

1 hour later…
Q: Please help me identify this old sci-fi episode/movie

ChristieA man is in a spaceship with his family (wife and kids) on another planet with no one else. I believe it was for some sort of mission or maybe Earth was dying and they were trying to recolonize or something. One or two astronauts arrive and the man is very excited to see them. But a plot twist re...

Q: TV show or movie in which a man is hiding from an alien and using the reflection on his knife to watch it

NateI remember watching a TV show or Movie back in the mid 2000s. The part I can remember is a man hiding behind some rocks and watching an alien in the reflection om his knife. Then some glowing bugs start bothering him, so he starts throwing granola/candy bar pieces to distract the glowing bugs. Th...

Q: A short story about a dish that was not eaten and a bottle that contained no wine

AlfredI read this short story in French, about only 10 or so years ago. It might have been a translation, but I doubt it. The POV character has a friend who works for a big jewellers company (this will be important later). The former one complains to his friend that he gets bored on sundays and holiday...

Seriously? Stupid effing captcha took me so long to be validated that someone else posted and answer before :(

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