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Q: Outcast Girl, power to kill and/or set people on fire with a glance, world is extremely hot, kind of scary, might include dragons

help pleaseThis is a book that impacted and scared me a lot as a kid, but I only have the vaguest memories except a few points that stick out. I'm also a little suspicious I might be conflating two books I read around the same time... I'm pretty sure I actually listened to this as an audiobook (on cd) rente...

Q: Book about an amnesiac protagonist who sucks the life out of anyone nearby if he dies near them

ChristopherA book about an unkillable, amnesiac protagonist that wakes up in the introduction of the book, after being killed in a children's playground, looking up at a fake dragon children's rocking horse. Works for the gangsters but they're actually evil undead things. He keeps a list of all of the names...

posted on December 02, 2023 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: By 2026, it's just all teleporter comics. Today's News:

1 hour later…
Q: Webtoon where two high school students sneak into an abandon house to escape their abusive homes

SauceThe girl was a high school student with black hair. Father abused her and her mother while doted on the son. Once she didn't wanted to go inside so she waited outside for some time squatting against the wall and fell asleep outside when she woke up it was already night and as soon as she went ins...

5 hours later…
Q: Story ID: Collection of short stories about fantasy and possibly mythological beings and places?

narilthI read a collection of short stories as an elementary school student in Canada around 2008 to 2010. This is a book. I believe that there was a story associated with each letter of the alphabet from A to I. I believe the title of the collection contained the word "Indigo" in reference to the last ...

5 hours later…
Q: Manhwa where the Mc is half human hiding in the human world

Clintthe mc’s father was a king and he fell in love with a human and his parents were killed in a coup I think He then fled with the general of his father’s army who posed as his grandmother in the human world He also joins an organization the kills those that invade while hiding the fact the he’s hal...

2 hours later…
Q: SF book with alien planet, whose plant life lacks chlorophyll / is not green, and is being outcompeted by earth plants

Panderssendoes anyone happen to recall the title or author of a science fiction novel with the following major plot elements? (my recollection, not a quote) on an alien planet, whose plants are not green (lacking chlorophyll), and thus are less efficient and being outcompeted by introduced Earth plants. ...

Q: I've been looking everywhere for a manga that popped into my fyp. It was about a former prostitute and a retired knight

EN3RVATED_As it starts out, the former prostitute was trying to runaway when she passed out on a snowy field. Then she woke up in a small cabin. She was found by a former knight with a dog. He took care for her because she was bed ridden for a week. In order to repay him, he asked her to accompany him at n...

Q: Looking for the author and title to a story I read in the '80s

John MorrisonI read a short story about a genetic engineer that created a retrovirus that fixed genetic diseases as well as a few other things. He also modified it to change himself to female. There were other plot points as well. A good story. This was in the '80s that I read the story. This was pre Intern...

1 hour later…
Q: Stories about Dragons Anthology Book - remember one story in particular

andrayrayI am trying to find the name of an anthology/story collection about dragons and or other monsters. I don't quite remember the cover but I know the first story about a dragon. The condensed version of the story is that: The father is a prince and is traveling and super thirsty and finds a well in...

Q: Harry Potter fanfiction where Harry is given Excalibur by the Lady of the Lake

Bernard BADENHORSTI am searching for a Harry Potter fanfiction with the following things in it. Harry was imprisoned in Azkaban after being framed. Voldemort tortures him. Bellatrix removes one of Harry’s eyes. Harry is Lord Emryss, Black, Potter and many more. He is trained by the founders, the Flamels, Merlin, t...

Q: Inspiration for Iain M. Banks' Inversions?

J-J-JFollowing some discussion on a private forum about the Culture series by Iain M. Banks, I found myself thinking that the science fiction novel Inversions shared some interesting similarities with the Umberto Eco's (non scifi) novel The Name of the Rose. In short, the similarities I found are the ...

Q: What are the Twelve Cities mentioned Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas

Влад АртюхThe "Twelve Cities" are mentioned several times in the movie. The Book of Peace is needed to protect these cities, but which cities exactly are they? It's safe to say that Syracuse is one of them, but what are the other eleven? Is "Twelve Cities" a reference to anything real or mythical?

1 hour later…
Q: Looking for a CYOA that might not have been a CYOA about a shrink belt

HaroldOkay I think this book might be lost media at this point. I am looking for an interactive story that may have been a CYOA but might not have been that brand. It's about you getting a shrinking belt to help out a friend of yours who works at a particle accelerator to catch a potential terrorist th...

2 hours later…
Q: I really want to find this series again can you help?

PaulI barely remember this series and don't expect anyone to but worth a shot. All I remember is 4 or 5 wizards one yarn magic, one had fire or lightning and I remember one of the had living bronze on her hand. I also remember the yarn one made a circle of yarn with a ball of each of their magic in i...

Q: What Twilight Zone episode has a lazy man whose mother does everything for him?

RishWhat Twilight Zone episode has a lazy man whose mother does everything for him? The following is the response from Google’s AI Bard. It seems to have the right description but the wrong episode name and number. The Twilight Zone episode you're thinking of is called "Mirror Image". It was the 14t...

1 hour later…
posted on December 02, 2023 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: This will be written one day when a traveler comes upon the ruins of Ohio. Today's News:

1 hour later…
posted on December 02, 2023 by Zach Weinersmith

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: Annnnnd with this update I'm back on schedule. Click back a few to make sure you haven't missed one - I loaded a bunch of updates in the past few days. Today's News:

Q: "Bonne mammifération" short story

AlfredI read this short story at least 30 years ago and it was probably even older. I read it in a collection in French but is was almost certainly a translation, because I remember a footnote of the translator (though it might just had been a footnote of the Editor, but I doubt it) about the expression "

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