Distribution: can we get stacks of copies onto counters at Jewish bookstores around the world?
(Brainstorming, so trying not to censor ideas for practicality too much.)
Ask bookstores to print and put out (heck, sell if they want) their own copies?
Raise money again, do a print run, and mail them boxes of them?
Get community members to print out stacks on their own dime and drop them off at local bookstores?
The reason I'm thinking bookstores is that the practical stuff goes well with the materials you go buy, ahead of time.
Format: major sections: Halacha, how-to, agada, minor sections: sukka, dwelling, arba minim, Torah readings, etc. (as applicable)
Or: Major: Sukka, etc. Minor: Halacha, How-to, agada (as applicable)
Time: We have five months until Sukkot. We did the full DoA project, including distribution, in the 2.5 months before R"H.
So, we have plenty of time to do this well.
Time to collect questions without pressure
Time to identify content holes and try to induce Q&A to be written
Time to write a good glossary and bibliography after editing and re-editing
Time to do stuff with distribution, if we want to