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10:41 PM
JịƬ"ZẈiL - Main link. Takes a matrix M on the left
   "     - Unify the two halves; Return 1 if both true, else 0

J        -   Jump; Take every 2nd element, beginning with the first
  Ƭ      -   Take; Take every 2nd element, beginning with the second
 ị       -   Is equal?
            This returns 1 if all rows in M are equal

    Z    -   No zeros? Are all elements non-zero?
       L -   Last; Get the last element of the input
      i  -   Is the last element invariant under:
     Ẉ   -     Replacing all zeros with the result of Z
10:56 PM
@cairdcoinheringaahing I would have believed it, but the symbols make too much sense. It's not Jelly if the letter for a command has nothing to do with its description :P
Of those characters, ịiƬL have a reasonable connection between the command and the letter :P
That's 50% of them :P
I understand the rest, but what connection does Ƭ have?
Ƭ is "Til" (nest unƬil a loop)
At least in my mind
Bit of a stretch, but okay :)
It's better than J = indices/range(len), Z = transpose etc.
11:02 PM
@cairdcoinheringaahing Wait, that's how it's spelled? I always thought it was jindices and ztranspose, with a silent j
@user That would explain it :P
A few of them make sense, but not in English. Ɗɗ are Drei (German for 3, the number of links they take) and Ʋʋ are Vier (German for 4)
> Z Zip; push the array of all columns of z.
I suppose
JKYẸḲỤẈỴẒẎÄ are the monads I don't understand the link between character and name
Most of the others I can at least make some justification for, but not those
ekyẹṃ for the dyads

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