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2:31 AM
@orthocresol Given it was answered by a comment and not generally useful, I would agree - delete.
@orthocresol Agreed effectively a dead question - delete.
3:32 AM
^5 years no answer, user is deleted/never joined Chem.SE. Recommend delete.
3:57 AM
^res ipsa loquitur. Recommend delete
chemistry.stackexchange.com/q/4467/23561 del. m. (see discussion below)
^Could this be edited? The answer is somewhat insightful. I might edit a fake attempt if it is worth reopening.
5 hours later…
8:54 AM
delete me fast
oh but +8 answer :/
3 hours later…
11:34 AM
That’s indeed an oddity.
Well, content quality shouldn’t be judged based on votes alone. I don’t think the question as it stands deserves -14. Nor do I think the answer deserves +8. I think both Q and A are good enough to keep, perhaps not the best example of quality content, but it is a decent, useful Q&A.
Votes guide us towards identifying good content and bad content, but even when we find highly downvoted/upvoted questions/answers we still want to think about whether they are broadly useful.
2 hours later…
1:43 PM
@Abcd Given that reducing nickel oxide with carbon monoxide would yield nickel carbonyl, I would not say it is a very good answer.
^too broad. delete.
2 hours later…
4:07 PM
@A.K. non-aqueous solution? How much more aqueous than water can it be? It is basically a q&h. the answer is somewhat insightful, but also not really that great. Questions also don't necessarily have to be reopened. If it a question is answered, but closed, it might still help people. No need to fake anything in such cases. But to be honest, i don't see it for that one...
4:43 PM
@orthocresol Great revision comment though, and if you look at the initial question you see why it gathered 10 odd negative votes in the first place...
@A.K. Let's say it is incomplete. It could have been better and include a link to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mond_process
@A.K. make sure to down-vote these, too. If we're all too busy and have no time to check here, some questions are also eligible for roomba after only one dv. Sometimes, two. it's good to use those options
5:46 PM
@Martin-マーチン I do down-vote, but it's not always enough and I hit the vote limit very quickly some days.
6:11 PM
@A.K. no worries, it was only a friendly reminder :D (I'm quite busy these days...)

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