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@waxeagle I don't care if it's in my lawn so much, but the horses won't eat it (or at least, don't prefer it) in the pasture. One of the reasons that people don't like it in the lawn is that it is an annual, so when it dies in the fall it leaves a bare spot.
@Matt: re: planting under trees -- Also consider how much shade the trees cast vs. how much shade your garden plantings will tolerate. E.g. don't plant tomatoes or pumpkins; do plant hosta, ferns, astilbe.
@bstpierre I took care of that already :)
@bstpierre that makes sense
@bstpierre yeah I was going to mention that but got hung up on the accepted answer..:)
@MattRockwell A little light pruning? :)
yup, a hell of a lot of it, the tree is on the property line with a small buffer of trees between the neighbor and I. He helped me take care of all of the branches extending over the lawn.
@bstpierre Re: your comment on my answer, I think your response to Matt would be fine under the question. Would you like me to edit your current link to chat comment and replace it with this text? you won't be able to edit since it's past 5 mins, but if you'd like me to, don't delete it :) I can't bring it back
@yoda Sure, that sounds good.
@bstpierre done :)
@yoda That was a great post by the way -- your own creation or cribbed from some other meta.SE? We seem to have more trouble than other sites I frequent, possibly because there's more gray area..?
@bstpierre Thanks, I created that myself. This has always been an issue, and the canonical response I've always seen is this faq on meta.SO
However, that isn't all that helpful and doesn't really apply here, because a lot of the answers rely on experience and opinion, rather than hard core facts
also, we have a decent number of people who are very new to the stack exchange way of things and are confused when we tell them to move answers to comments and comments to answers, etc
@yoda Yes, the answers there are basically useless.
@bstpierre That's also from the early days of stack overflow (most answers are from '08). Things have changed a lot from then on, and it just isn't updated. Also, such issues are concerned with the respective metas.
Skeptics, for e.g., is extremely strict about answers containing credible references. If it doesn't, it's simply nuked

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