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@Lisa i heard that TED talk too
@TeaDrinker You're right it was a mainstream TED talk by Cary Fowler (just checked). The local one I was thinking of was Mark Tester on drought and salt-tolerant food crops tedxadelaide.com/?p=219
@Lisa thanks lisa
5 hours later…
call me a n00b but why do people hate crab grass so much? maybe I just don't care about my lawn, but what do people have against this poor abused plant?
wax eagle - regarding over moderation - i call it this because I am pretty new to taking care of a lawn. I used to take care of my parents, but never really knew exactly what I was doing. Alot of my questions are being closed as duplicates, eventhough they are asking different things. I think the problem is that I am asking multiple (related) questions in a single posting. Some of them are covered by other questions on the site.
I feel like I am asking unique questions, but also asking spinning other questions that have previoulsly been asked, but with my unique spin on them that corresponds to my unique situation.
@Brian Unfortunately your "unique spin" isn't spiny enough for me and yoda
Also, because I am so new to things, many of the things I am reading, are coming out of "related" (aka duplicate) issues on the site. Most of what I read, I am reading for the first time, so I am really asking with a unique spin to make sure I understand the topic.
@Brian we are more than happy to guide you towards more unique questions. That is part of why we close instead of just delete
a big part of the SE philsophy is community collaboration and learning.
I am really just trying to piece things together, and grow my knowledge in these topics, and whether intentional or not, I feel like there are a few "pros" that don't want to be bothered with people trying to learn some things and instead read a question they have, and "associate it" with something sort of similar on the site.
"call me a n00b but why do people hate crab grass so much? maybe I just don't care about my lawn, but what do people have against this poor abused plant?" - i can only assume this is somewhat related to my several posts on the topic.
Simply put, it's ugly and doesn't look nice.
@Brian lol just in general. you see it on TV too all of the lawn seeds have crabgrass preventer. its like a smear campaign against a plant thats minding its own business :)
In addition, it can be "hard" on the feet and make it harder for folks to enjoy walking barefoot on the yard
I don't mind it in moderation.
When it's manageable
@Brian I assume your reasons are the primary ones....I just don't give a rip about my lawn yet...someday
With the closing of things, maybe the moderators could try focusing on what it is the person is really asking, rather than just associating with related questions. Trust me, I am an experienced user of forums. I wouldn't post a question if I felt it was already answered, sufficiently to my situation, if it had already been addressed.
@Brian but this isn't a forum. I am happy to see you posting new questions. But if its a duplicate its a duplicate. if there is enough there to take the question in a new direction then you can edit it into something that isn't a duplicate. That is kind of the point of having a close/reopen system
i've updated my question about coffe grounds to be unique and different. it's closed, and it still just received a -1 vote. this site is frustrating.
@Brian don't get discouraged. I will take a look and see about reopening.
I just think the moderators are closing things out so quickly, little nuggest that may help others will end up getting "thrown away"
...for example bstpierre added what I think is great response to my specific situation..."n your situation, you might consider "holding" the autumn leaves in a dry area (bin, bags, etc. -- esp. if you can shred them first), and when you add grounds to the pile cover with a thin layer of leaves and sprinkle soil or mature compost. Coffee helps the leaves break down faster, and the leaves provide carbon to balance the process. If you aren't impatient, don't worry about turning the pile."
nuggest = nuggets
@Brian closed questions don't disappear if they have value. They can still be found. both in search and in the question lists.
a mod or 4k rep users have to come in to delete closed questions
Also if a question is a dupe and stays a dupe then we can migrate any answer to the other question. There is a method to the madness. We aren't here to kill the fun, but we do have an order to maintain the site.
2 hours later…
@yoda any more thoughts on the coffee grounds q? based on the transcript here?

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