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hello @PeterTurner
Hey, @waxeagle I was just figuring I'd come here to complain about all my dead tomatoes instead of asking why they died and then being told I planted them too close together.
@PeterTurner lol. I've had bad luck with tomatoes this year too, I think partly for the same reason, plus too much rain, a bit of my own stupidity causing over watering and blite
Yeah, I had too many seedlings survive this year, I should have given them away, but I planted them all (about 25 in a 10'x10' square)
@waxeagle What did you do about them? I pulled out a few rows.
@PeterTurner well a couple have died and now I have one vine that is producing nicely. I also picked up some more seedlings and tried to plant those. The ones I put in the ground aren't doing well, but I put a couple in pots and they are doing well but not fruiting yet
1 hour later…
Q: As Fall Planting comes help promote Gardening.SE

wax eagleFall planting season is coming, there will hopefully be lots of gardeners planting fall gardens, and they'll have lots of questions. Essentially, this is a great time to recruit new members! What can you do to help? As you plant your fall garden, whenever you have questions, no matter how sill...

for anyone who stops by

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