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Hi sir @JohnRennie
Not really relevant to here but do you know of any sites where I can Download free pdfs?
Hi :-)
What is an sjt?
Sorry typo!
Pdfs of books?
Yes, but you need to use the Tor browser. This is perfectly safe and won't mess up your PC/laptop. However I don't think it's available for phones.
Oh. Ok then :(
You don't have a laptop?
Its not working currently someone dropped it:(
OK, I can get books for you until it's fixed.
You can get some books on Mobilism though they don't have too many science books. They mostly have fiction.
Oh okay
Its this..
Looking now ...
I can't find that book. Sorry :-(
I can find class XI but not XII
Looks like its nowhere. Even in shops the physical copy is nit available
Yeah there yes but shops usually sell it 2nd hand so its cheaper :)
5 hours later…
Could anyone please help me with this ? physics.stackexchange.com/questions/816558/…
@JohnRennie Sir, Crompton effect is not in our syllabus. But the formula E=hv is and it's heavily used. Would it be right to say that the result was derived in Crompton effect and we should treat it as a postulate as of now?
Ok seems like only p=h/(lambda) was found in Crompton effect
@Adhway Hi, sorry I missed you. I'm here for about another hour today.
@Swan The equation E = hν came from Planck's study of black body radiation. He used it as a postulate to explain the black body curve. It was only when quantum mechanics was discovered that we found the reason for the equation.
The equation for the momentum was a postulate of de Broglie.
As far as I know neither are a result of the investigations into the Compton effect.
@JohnRennie Thanks a lot!
There was a question about this on the SE yesterday, but it's probably a bit to advanced as it goes into some quantum mechanics theory.
Q: How is Planck's constant relevant in quantum mechanics?

TheRichDudePlanck’s constant relates the frequency of a photon to its energy but how does that relate to other quantum particles? For example in the Schrödinger equation it is used according to my book “to correct the units”. Is that true? And why Planck’s constant and not 1?

@Adhway This is how I would do the nodal analysis. At every node write in the charge coming in and the charge going out.
Now we use this to write down a set of simultaneous equations for the charges.
I am able to understand this but... What was wrong with my approach?
Hi :-)
Hiii :)) @JohnRennie
I haven't been through your question in detail, it's just that you asked about nodal analysis and the diagram I posted above is what I understand by nodal analysis.
Ohkk...thanks a lott!!
You're welcome :-)
When you get free , could you please go through my question once?
You can always ask about JEE stuff here if you need to.
Yea definitely ! :)
I'm busy at the moment but I'll try to find time to go through it later.
Yea perfect!
5 hours later…
long time

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