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@human Cross-cultural studies suggest that certain moral concepts are bound to sociality as such, not specific cultures. In that sense, certain conditions of the possibility of social life can be seen as a necessary, objective basis of social life as such.
@MartinSleziak Wittgenstein's Tractatus does have a similar style and is similarly famous.
@MartinSleziak As of Mückenheim, yes, I deleted answers, suspended, and asked for merge for all new accounts. Not necessarily because I think the answers are complete nonsense but because he shouldn't have posted them in the first place and their very existence is a violation of the rules and they qualify as spam
@TymaGaidash There was some response from a moderator of the Philosophy site: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/538/2022/3/23Martin Sleziak 24 secs ago
@PhilipKlöcking I left a comment to the user who asked about this.
BTW I guess that the comment about Wittgenstein was meant to be for human and not be.
Although it sounds weird - saying that I am not human.
@MartinSleziak Nope, it was for you as this is the only book I can think of that has a style similar to Spinoza's Ethics 😉
Hegel does have a similar structure in some of his texts, but only at the surface and not in argumental structure (Philosophy of Right and Encyclopedia mainly)
@PhilipKlöcking I do not remember mentioning Spinoza.
Mar 12 at 14:04, by human
Spinoza's style of writing Ethics is pretty weird, similar to Euclid's Elements. Not saying it is bad, though. I like it
BTW reply function in chat is sometimes useful. It shows what exactly a message responds to. (This is good especially if there are several conversations in the same room.)
@MartinSleziak Ah I see, you're right, my bad 🙈
@human Replied to this comment as well above, just to the wrong person as turns out 😅

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