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@PaulMansour No.
@PaulMansour I see little benefit in that, as it is just another inefficient format, but one that is more more rare. On top of that, it would sort-of imply that ⎕VGET can produce such a matrix, but it cannot, and I see no way to extend it to do so.
@PaulMansour It would have to prioritise between 'ab' 'cd' meaning ((,'a')'b')((,'c')'d') and ⊂'ab' 'cd'
@PaulMansour Ah, yes, or even m,⍛⎕VSET('One' 1) ('Two' 2) ('Three' 3)
3 hours later…
Hi everyone!
Dyalog is applying for Google Summer of Code 2025 (https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/). It is a program to promote open source software development where organisations with opensource projects apply and receive contributors from the platform who work on the project and they get a stipend.

For GSoC, Dyalog needs to make an idea list of projects we think will be good for contributors to work on. We would appreciate if the community would also take a look at the projects we have chosen, give their opinions on things that should be added or subtracted or changed from these ideas
If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me here or at [email protected]
7 hours later…
@Adám But nowhere in ⎕VSET/⎕VGET is 'ab' allowed to mean either ((',a') 'b') or ('a' (,'b')) is it?
@Adám Noted, and I don't disagree.
n←'one' 'two' 'three'
        v←1 2 3
        s←() ⎕VSET n v
       s←()⎕VSET↓⍉↑n v
       s ⎕VGET n
1 2 3
       s ⎕VGET n v
While the nested format is nice for examples, in real code we often have names and values in separate arrays.
Is there a use case for using a string literal with ⎕VSET? I'm wondering if or when that would every come up.
Other than in examples...
4 hours later…
curious to know how beginners did problem 10 of the challenge, now that it's closed

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