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@Adám There are several related articles on jsoftware.com jsoftware.com/papers/AFIPS196212.htm jsoftware.com/papers/PNSD.htm
And a citation search on googles scholar with keyword "Intel" "8086" are either not related to APL or not actually on micro programming, except for one that only briefly mentioned Intel 8008 dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/800203.806252
@LdBeth Right, IN was not used for any later systems like Intel's.
2 hours later…
Here is a bug in at least version 18 and 19.

It is an incorrect domain error trying to get unique rows of a simple 2 by 2 numeric matrix

∪ 2 2⍴ 2 1E¯323 2 1.797693134862316E308

The problem has something to do with the extreme range of the values.
@drab Oh no! Thank you for reporting. Will log that right away.
(Logged as issue 21742)
1 hour later…
Here is another bug.

Version 19 gives a wrong answer for a binomial involving a very large integer

9007199254740992 ! ¯1

The correct answer is 1 since the integer is even.

That big integer is the largest exact integer stored as a floating point.

Version 18 gives a domain error for this same example, which is better than a wrong answer.
@drab Wrong value is worse than error. Logged as 21743. Thank you so much!
imagine a precision error - with ⎕fr←1287, 1=9007199254740992 ! ¯1
3 hours later…
Does anyone know where one can find online the late 1960s IBM Systems Journal article on APL used to rigorously define the IBM System/360 instruction set?

Maybe Adam knows....

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