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I wish the control words :Leave and :Iterate could take optional boolean condition arguments.Then, for example, I could leave a loop with a concise ":Leave condition" instead of the currently required more obtuse ":If condition ⋄ :Leave ⋄ :EndIf"
@drab It is on my plan (:Continue, btw) to allow :If cond :Leave and :If cond :Continue rather than APL+Win's :LeaveIf and :ContinueIf
In fact, I'd like to generalise it to :If cond :Then expression as syntactic sugar for :If cond ⋄ expression ⋄ :EndIf
(maybe :Do instead of :Then?)
Also :If cond :Return and in general any control structure/key word immediate after :If cond and :While cond and :For vars :In[Each] and :Trap errnos with :Do expression being syntactic sugar for :If 1 ⋄ expression ⋄ :EndIf
There's also :Return which I'd further want to extend to allow a value, so you can write :If cond :Return 42 instead of :If cond ⋄ returnVar←42 ⋄ :Return ⋄ :EndIf
Yes. ":Return value" would be good too, but not quite as important to me as Iterate and Leave.
I also want a :Finally, not just in :Trap but in every reasonable structure — and outside structures too.
Yes, ":Finally" could be useful too. I assume, among other things, it could give you a last chance to adjust a return value from a traditional function.
Yes, besides for any cleanup. But what should happen here:
∇ r←foo
  :Return 1
I suppose we return 2 because :Return 2 just means r←2 ⋄ :GoTo ":Finally"
I suppose :Return should be prohibited inside :Finally
wouldn't foo return 1 from the :Return 1 line?
or is that 1 a condition for :return ?
@Silas Well, on the way out, we have to resolve the :Finally
@RubenVerg Fixed in 20.0.
@1234 ↑
@B.Wilson ↑↑
@dzaima ↑↑↑

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