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@Adám are there layouts without an underscore so that people use F instead?
I don't think so, but people (me and others included!) might prefer using f.
If it ain't broken, don't fix it. I've been writing _ using f from before _ was available by other means on APL layouts.
hmm, okay, do you also use M for |?
yes, only
And ' when writing APL (but the normal quote key when writing other languages).
And Shift+3,5,7 for <=>
The only APL glyph I do not type the APL way any more is ! which I type with Shift+1 instead of APL+Shift+KeyToTheRightOfZero
2 hours later…
So, does Dyalog 20.0 include a new F key for those who have an APL keyboard and maybe another key anticipating for the under operator? ;)
@Richard Yes for F. We will probably defer other additions for now, but I'd expect before — but we might do a larger switcheroo at once. The current thinking is:
│  ⌺ │  ⌶ │  ⍫ │  ⍒ │  ⍋ │  ⌽ │  ⍉ │  ⊖ │  ⍟ │  ⍱ │  ⍲ │  ⍠ │  ⌹ │Backspace│
│  ⋄ │  ¨ │  ¯ │  < │  ≤ │  = │  ≥ │  > │  ≠ │  ∨ │  ∧ │  × │  ÷ │         │
│Tab    │  ⍰ │    │  ⍷ │    │  ⍨ │    │    │  ⍸ │  ⍥ │  ⍣ │  ⍞ │  ⍬ │  ⊣   │
│       │  ? │  ⍵ │  ∊ │  ⍴ │  ~ │  ↑ │  ↓ │  ⍳ │  ○ │  * │  ← │  → │  ⊢   │
In contrast, the current layout is:
│  ⌺ │  ⌶ │  ⍫ │  ⍒ │  ⍋ │  ⌽ │  ⍉ │  ⊖ │  ⍟ │  ⍱ │  ⍲ │  ! │  ⌹ │Backspace│
│  ⋄ │  ¨ │  ¯ │  < │  ≤ │  = │  ≥ │  > │  ≠ │  ∨ │  ∧ │  × │  ÷ │         │
│Tab    │    │    │  ⍷ │    │  ⍨ │    │    │  ⍸ │  ⍥ │  ⍣ │  ⍞ │  ⍬ │  ⊣   │
│       │  ? │  ⍵ │  ∊ │  ⍴ │  ~ │  ↑ │  ↓ │  ⍳ │  ○ │  * │  ← │  → │  ⊢   │
@Adám ooh, nice to see some things are getting shuffled
what does quad question do?
@RubenVerg Lazy evaluation of its operand.
@RubenVerg Only mentioned I've ever seen of it is here: dyalog.com/blog/2015/09/…
@Adám interesting
For now, it is unlikely to arrive any time soon, and I'm also more and more leaning towards wanting things that govern how things are executed to be system names rather than primitives. imo, & should have been ⎕TSPAWN.
it does feel a bit like a system-y stuff
Most ridiculous, I find which has the sole role of modifying the behaviour of system functions. What would a primitive do that‽ Use ⎕OPT!
that's just because you don't use Variant for primitives!

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