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@Ven Thanks, fixed.
@RubenVerg Pulled.
@RubenVerg Why not just (a=5)ⵧ⍛⊇' ·'?
1 hour later…
just you have to remember that, I guess
I don't really lean much on either side, I just think 0 is slightly less annoying
most of the time I don't care about IO at all, might as well be 3j4
the title is a bit hyperbolic I guess(:
6 hours later…
Where is 'behind' or 'reverse comnpose' going to be on the keyboard? At the 'B'?
ONe spot left there in combination with CTRL
@Richard We're still discussing that. Will be either APL+f or APL+Shift+F.
(I ment SHIFT B, not CTRL B)
Any logic behind using F? Because of a future combination or postion with 'under' or another one?
@Richard f mirrors on j but is taken by the redundant _. F avoids removing _ and works as is a composition of _ with . Also "F" as in "beFore".
I place it on F, if you people care about compatibility with my two users(:
(shift F is phase/atan2)
I think we care more about compatibility with all the existing f=_ keyboards (and users).

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