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@Silas I have {⍵⊂⍨{a=a(⊢+⊣×10≥+)←⍵}¨⍵⊣a←0}
14 hours later…
Is it {⍵⊆⍨1+(10×⍳≢⍵)⍸+\⍵}?
Oops ofc not
Ah, that's another way maybe - but doomed too like 10| ?
yeah, feeling more that have to test whilst scanning
@Adám have you got a solution at all that postprocesses the +\⍵ ?
@Silas No, it is too late by then.
ah, shame - feels like something that should be computable…
You have to make decisions as you go along. It should be possible to phrase it (awkwardly) with / but not with \ because it starts over for every element.
@Marshall You can do the above with a single pass of ` in BQN, right?

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