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@Adám I did miss it completely, but I see that V19.0 is released! Which of your proposals did make it to the new version? I can not see any changes in the language mentioned in the release notes, except some ⎕ functions.
1 hour later…
@Richard Nope, no core language additions, but ⎕JSON⍠'CharSet' 'ASCII' was my idea and the whole Session Initialisation Improvements part is my code and makes a huge difference in how one can use Dyalog.
@Adám What is the Session Initialisation Improvements?
It's a heading in the release notes. see there.
I guess it is the variable DYALOG_INITSESSION which enables using LINK in shell script
I was indeed trying to figure out that and I used to export the LINK project to a workspace to load it in shell script.
2 hours later…
I think I fixed the slow loading of the tinyapl docs site, both the actual page and images. could someone else please test it out? best page to use is combinators because it has lots of images
Not too slow, especially after svgs are cached
@RubenVerg Ahem, your underlined links are confusing.
yes, would be more intuitive if use a different color
@Adám yeah, I guess I can remove the underline
I don't know why the links aren't colored, though
but would a colored, non-underlined link be clear that it's clickable?
If it is blue, yes.
turns out i was removing the blue underline myself (i'd taken the markdown transformation code from my blog, where i wanted body-color links)
i made them not underlined but underlined on hover, thought it'd be clearer
lol I found to me the lambda term is easier to read than the diagram
diagrams seem to be tradition (:
i think both options have their place
Can we have an explicit APL expression column?
So the parrot would have (y G x) F (x G y)
sure! i guess i thought it's not needed just because you can open the link, but if you think it's useful i can add it
oh, how about also putting the names of the combinators next to the glyphs in the links?
though i'm not sure if for example the queer bird would get "Before" or "Reverse Compose"
hmm, maybe the APL expression column could go instead of the lambda column, which doesn't really fit in an APL doc
plus, the lambda column cheats: some lambdas have arguments in different order than their traditional mathematical definition
yeah, i think i'll remove the lambda column
1 hour later…
@RubenVerg Since the diagrams are so tall, why not use some of the vertical space?
TinyAPL  APL name   APL expression     DIA-
Symbol   Bird name  Lambda expression  GRAM
because I can't do that with Markdown tables :)
but I'll consider it
Can't you inject <br>s?
ah yeah didn't consider doing it like that, i'd've done it with rowspan, which i think is better
what's the APL name for the D₂ combinator ((F x) G (H y))? i know i've seen a wiki page about it but can't remember
Split compose apparently aplwiki.com/wiki/Split_composition
For parrot, would it be nicer if you move x and y more central? Feel it shows pattern better if have y below x and can show the almost skipping rope shape
this is an interesting idea but it's not consistent with all the others and imo a bit hard to read at a glance
Ok, was trying to think if smoother drawing as all the others are beautifully clean. Indeed not the best, but shape that jumped out for me
TinyAPL part 6 just published! (cc @Adám )
i'm so bad at writing the whole article is basically "here's the code!" with no explanation
why did i decide to make accompanying blog posts in the first place? who knows
2 hours later…
Q: transitive edges in APL

justin2004Say we have a rank 2 vector that represents edges in a graph: m←3 2⍴3 5 5 9 6 3 m 3 5 5 9 6 3 And we want to compute the transitive edges. e.g. Since we have the edge from node 3 to 5 and the edge from node 5 to 9 then transitively we also have the edge from node 3 to 9. I have imple...

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