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chat doesn't let me delete the second copy of the message for some reason
there seem to be some problems with chat... if this message goes through I just released TinyAPL, which includes the documentation site!
alright, now it seems to be working
@Adám ^
i also made up a new combinator for the combinators page, mirror is now the Parrot combinator bird. P doesn't seem to be taken and i like that name because it "repeats" a thing twice but with slight variation
Heh, if it is called Parrot, then maybe it should be (which also indicates that it is asymmetric).
i find each-left and each-right to be really really useful and i wouldn't want to remove them, do you have alternative glyph ideas for them?
i guess mirror's current glyph might not be a great fit because of the asymmetry
how about ?
@Adám (all combinators get bird names but do any of them look like birds? maybe atop and over look like birds seen from the front?)
Superscript (2) next to the P looks like it's part of the combinator name. Would be better next to "Parrot" I think?
Also, all right if I send a link to Conor so he can put it on the list?
@RubenVerg Ah, I didn't realise you had gone for Cherokee...
@Marshall thanks, changed!
@Marshall that would be an honor!
by the way, is the website horribly slow to load (both content and images) for you too or is it just me?
Seems you have quite some duplication with jot vs bqn symbols and sort vs sort-by.
@RubenVerg Fast enough for me.
I'm not sure if it was the first time but I tried again, and three diagrams loaded quickly but the rest took a while.
@Adám the duplication with hooks/before&after i noticed too, i think i decided for leaving them both in just because normal apl code uses for compose and there might be some code designed to work both as a monad and as a dyad that uses in its compose + after form
monad before is also the only one that does reverse compose
the sort/sort-by i haven't decided yet. in the readme you can see "useless with sort by (⍋⍨)" next to sort. i'm definitely keeping sort by but idk about normal sort
oh also last night i came up with a primitive that's monad Promote and dyad ⍪⍥Promote
Parrot is more anti-symmetric than just asymmetric, isn't it? I feel like would fit if it wasn't taken. Maybe like to show the twisted-ness.
@Marshall yeah, i think it's an issue with how i designed the site (every time the site loads it reads some directories to find all the documentation pages), maybe i should introduce a build step to make loading faster? i'll look into it
@Marshall i think i wanted something with dots when i picked dots-minus, not sure why but i think it fits with all the other operators
@RubenVerg Okay, sent!
@Adám ah. maybe i should read the bqn docs once to steal some other primitives (:. really thought i came up with something interesting but of course it's already a thing
It's also ,: in J.
aplwiki.com/wiki/Promote mentions the connection offhandedly.
to do list: * read every article on the wiki * read every primitive from bqn, j and maybe uiua
is there a list of all articles? i remember once trying to go through them by using the Random article button but the same ~15 articles always came up for some reason
Some other orderings like "Most linked-to pages" at aplwiki.com/wiki/Special:SpecialPages.
The category tree should also be helpful, like promote is in the Primitive functions category. Some uncategorized pages hanging around though, need to fix that...
oh, there's only 109 primitives?
would be interesting to know which of the ~150 from the tinyapl docs don't appear in there. of course there's a bunch that are new and therefore obviously don't have pages, but i don't think there's 40 of them (plus of course there ought to be many primtiives in the wiki that I don't have)
oh wait it's just primitive functions
Yeah, jumping up to APL primitives gives 143.
yeah, that seems more realistic
hmm, maybe i should make a "differences from other apls" page, could be useful
@RubenVerg Maybe something like omnibar.rubenverg.com?
heh. you're right
i'm not sure i want to add something this unfinished to omnibar though
i also don't expect anybody to actually use tinyapl, so nobody actually needs a deltas page

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